Lou raised his pistol and pointed it at the rider. “Take off the fuckin’ helmet.”

The man raised his shaking hands to his head and pulled off the helmet. A shock of blond hair and a childlike face appeared.


Ali’s killer was Benjy.



Back when I was planning it all out just a few weeks ago, I originally thought about having Weasel (or Emilio, or whatever the fuck his name was) kill Jack. That would have solved a lot of immediate problems. I could’ve even spun it so that I was going to carry on bravely in Jack’s wake. Passing the torch and all that shit.

But the problem was, if those two idiots I met in the dive bar knew who Jack Pollari was, they weren’t going to touch the job with a twenty-foot pole.

They basically confirmed that when the first thing that came out of their mouths was they were fans of the club – so they definitely would have known who the fuckin’ president was.

Nobody knows the VP, but every lowlife piece of shit knows the guy at the top.

Not to mention that Kade would have never let it go if Jack got killed. He’d have suspected me immediately, and I doubt he’d need concrete proof to ease his conscience. Hell, he probably would have shot me on general principle alone.

And having them gun down Fiona brought up all the same problems as if I pulled the trigger myself. It was too much of a coincidence to have her buy the farm while she was investigating her cousin’s death. Peters might have been able to shield me from a certain amount of hell, but a chick getting shot while she was trying to solve her cousin’s murder? And she was good-looking and a PI to boot? All the family would have to do was put it on Facebook, and I’d have fuckin’ CNN knockin’ on my door the next day. And after that maybe the FBI, or the DEA…

No. Better just to make Jack look weak… sow the seeds of discord… and tie up some loose ends.

And of course I couldn’t let the two gunmen live. Not when they could have ratted me out. Plus I would’ve had to pay the fuckers ten grand, and no way in hell that was gonna happen.

I intended to kill both of them in the Seven Veils. I ended up getting Weasel, but Baldy was faster – and evidently a little smarter – than I took him for. Guess Jesus could do more than just walk on water.

Didn’t matter. Offing him in the desert worked out even better. It made Jack look weak and me look strong, which started the chain reaction. When I exposed Fiona 24 hours later, that was the cue for the fat lady to sing. By the time I was through, the club was out for blood. Jack was not only a pussy, he was a pussy who got played by a bitch. Stupid, weak, and one-upped by a chick – a deadly combination if you want to be president of a biker gang.

As a bonus, Fiona not only got outed, she betrayed Jack right to his fuckin’ face. She went back to LA broken and humiliated. Wouldn’t be seeing her again.

And once I killed off the two shitheads I hired, my entire involvement was wiped clean.

Brilliant, if I do say so myself.

The shitheads fucked up one important detail, though.

They didn’t kill Benjy.


Oh – I didn’t exactly spell that one out, did I?

Yeah. Benjy was the one who killed Venus. Good ol’ simpleminded Benjy.

He doesn’t look like a mongoloid, but he’s definitely a few fries short of a happy meal. Mother probably dropped him on his head when he was a baby. Maybe a couple of times.

Anyway, Benjy’s also the one who told me – inadvertently – that Venus was ratting us out to the DEA.

Actually, to be accurate, he revealed the possibility that Venus was going to rat us out to the DEA. I never had any real proof. Just a conversation that Benjy overheard.

That was enough for me. I don’t take chances with shit like that.

Benjy was what you might call a provisional member at that point. Had been for two years, though we hadn’t patched him in yet.

Half the club hated we were even considering letting in a retard, which is why the decision took so long. But Benjy had a lot of supporters, too. Jack was one of them.