“If you make it out alive, kid, you’re welcome to try.”


We drove the truck up the long, dusty road to the falling-down ranch house and the barn. The place was just the way Sid had described it.

Kade pulled the pickup around back of the house, turned the nose towards the barn, and left the engine running as he put it in park. Then he and Jack opened the truck doors and stood behind them for cover.

Kade aimed one of Sloane’s assault rifles at the house, while Jack pointed the other one at the barn.

I held my pistol in my sweaty, trembling hand and got out next to Jack.

“HELLO,” Jack shouted.

No answer.

“If you’re in the barn, you need to come out right now,” Jack yelled. “We’re not going to hurt you – not if you come out.”


“Check out the house,” Jack said to Kade.

Kade ran over to the back patio, paused by the doorway, and kicked it in SWAT-style, with his assault rifle aimed at the room. He disappeared inside, then re-emerged after sixty long, agonizing seconds.

“Nobody inside, but there are dishes in the sink and the bed’s been slept in,” Kade informed us.

“That was very Chuck Norris of you, kicking the door in like that,” Jack grinned.

“Shock and awe,” Kade said emotionlessly as he rejoined us by the truck.

Jack turned back to the barn. “Look – we know you’re in there,” he yelled.

No answer.

“Jesus Christ,” Jack muttered, then looked at me. “Might want to stand back, or at least cover your ears.”

As soon as I put my hands over my ears, he aimed the rifle at the barn and pulled the trigger.


The outside wall of the barn splintered with a dozen holes.

Suddenly there was static-y feedback, and a young guy’s voice erupted over a speaker.

“You need to leave. Lou’s on his way.”

“You called Lou?” Jack shouted.


“Well, it’s going to take him at least 10 minutes to get here, so I figure we’ve got time to come in and get you.”

“I called him five minutes ago when I saw you come up the driveway.”

Jack frowned. “How’d you see us come up the driveway? You weren’t outside, and I don’t see any windows in that barn.”

“I have security cameras, asshole.”

“Ohhhh… okay,” Jack yelled. “Well, I guess we better make this quick, then.”