
Twenty minutes after we talked with Sloane we were back at the pickup truck. No sign of cops, so Kade hotwired the engine again and Jack and I piled in beside him. Sid followed behind us at a distance.

Once we got to the strip mall, Sid parked his Oldsmobile a hundred yards away next to a cluster of other cars. Meanwhile, Kade drove the truck out into the middle of the empty parking lot.

“We’re sitting ducks out here,” Jack muttered.

“Don’t worry, I got eyes on ya,” Sid said through our earpieces.

It was kind of crazy, us wearing these Secret Service-type devices. I’d never used them before on my stakeouts. They made everything feel like a spy movie or playing pretend.

Not like we were about to buy a bunch of weapons, go blow up a meth lab, and try to start a gang war.

“Wouldn’t it be better if we were next to a bunch of other cars?” Jack asked.

“I don’t want Susie Homemaker seein’ you buy a bunch of guns while she’s gettin’ Junior outta his car seat. ‘Sides, I thought you said you trusted this broad.”

“I said I trusted her enough.”

“Well, you better pray ‘enough’ is enough.”

“I’m beginning to rethink that.”

“Bad time to be thinking, boy. Buy the ticket, take the ride – so sack up, shut up, and hold on tight.”

Kade raised an eyebrow.

Jack just grimaced, then looked at me. “Your boss is a real ball-buster, you know that?”

I grinned. “That’s Sid.”

“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Easy Rider.”

Five minutes later a black Dodge Challenger cruised into the parking lot. It pulled up right next to the truck, and Sloane hopped out of the passenger seat. The driver – one of the ZZ Top guys from last night – stayed behind the wheel.

Sloane had ditched the leather jacket and was now just wearing her wifebeater and skin-tight jeans.

“Whoa nelly,” Sid muttered.

“Easy there,” Jack said.

“Yeah, shut up, you old perv,” I said, annoyed.

“I ain’t a perv, I’m just a connoisseur of the female form,” Sid retorted, although he pronounced ‘connoisseur’ like ‘conno-sewer.’ “And I may be old but I ain’t dead. Hey – you think, uh, we could trade places?”

“NO,” I said.

“Man… I never get to have NO fun…”

We got out of the truck.

“Hey Kade!” Sloane said flirtatiously, then slapped his ass. “How come you didn’t come by last night?”

“Busy sleeping,” he said, completely unfazed by having his best friend’s ex-wife spank him on the butt.

Sloane looked straight at me and put her hands on her cocked hips. “So, we makin’ this a foursome?”