Lou still owned it, though. And was mighty pissed that we’d cut off two of his prime sources of revenue.

But we weren’t pimps, and we weren’t drug dealers.

At least not as far as I knew. I wondered sometimes, though, if Lou was keeping his hands dirty on the side.

“You gotta get a better place than this,” I said as I cut the engine.

“Why’s that?” she asked as she got off the bike.

I didn’t think it was wise to bring up the prostitution and drug business, so I just joked, “‘Cause you’re liable to find a dead body under the mattress.”

“I already checked. It’s clean… relatively speaking.”

“Could’ve stayed somewhere a lot nicer tonight,” I hinted. “Still could.”

“I think the zoo closes at 6PM,” she deadpanned.

I laughed and watched her breasts move and sway as she reached up and unclipped the helmet.

Damn – that body. That hair. That face.

I’d been so close to having her naked in my bed. Where I’d gone wrong, I just didn’t know.

It wasn’t like she didn’t want to – I could feel it coming off her in waves.

Maybe it was the part about me doing time in Chino.

If that was it, I would have been pissed. I’d opened up, and she’d slammed the door in my face… metaphorically speaking.

But I didn’t think that was it, actually.

I don’t know why, but it felt like something else was going on.

Looking at her, I wondered what it was.

And got intrigued all over again, despite myself.

She folded her arms across her chest, which was a defensive posture – but also had the added benefit of making her already great tits even fuller and tighter against her top.


She kept on making this even harder for me.

No pun intended.

She looked at me a long time before speaking.

“I’m sorry,” she said. Though her voice wasn’t exactly soft, she seemed to mean what she said.

“Don’t be. I’m planning on Round Two very, very soon.”

There was a look of relief in her eyes – and a bit of annoyance. “What if Round Two doesn’t go your way, either?”

“There’s 12 rounds to a boxing match, babe.”

“Is that what this is?” she asked, coolly amused.

“It’s a metaphor.”