“You think it’s better to keep going than go back?” Fiona asked.

“Lou’s backup plan is probably to have the cops shoot us ‘accidentally.’ No way we should go back.” I turned the flashlight app back on, and the ground flooded with light. “Not only that, but if there’s another guy, we might run into him.”

As though to prove my point, I heard the crack! of a gunshot.


“He’s aiming for the light!” Fiona screamed.

Holy shit, she’s right, I thought.

I pushed her away from me, into the darkness, then threw my phone in the opposite direction as I dove for the ground.

Crack crack! came two more shots. The sand jumped around my phone, and the dust swirled through the search beam shooting up into the air.

Mother FUCKER –

I pulled my .45 and waited, belly against the ground. I strained my eyes into the blackness, trying to see where the shots had come from.

Even though my eyes started to adjust, it was impossible to see anything. Just vague shapes of bushes and rocks and cactuses in the darkness.

Nothing. No sound, no movement. The shooter wasn’t about to give away his position.

Unless he had night vision goggles, one of us had to make a move. But neither of us was going to.

And then suddenly, my phone rang again.

About a hundred feet away behind a bush, I saw the muzzle flash twice.

Crack crack!

Both the white light and the ringtone died as my phone blew apart.

But I didn’t care about that. I only cared about the sparks of yellow in the darkness.

I aimed at where I’d seen them and pulled the trigger.


Now I was basically blind from my own muzzle flash, but I moved the gun a millimeter every time I pulled the trigger, aiming at slightly different spots until I emptied the clip.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

There was a scream, followed by a long string of shots and muzzle flashes.

Crack crack crack crack crack!

I hugged the ground. Even though the shots seemed desperate and haphazard, I kept my head down.

As I eased another clip into my .45, careful not to make a sound, there was another bang bang bang! over to my right.


Another scream from the darkness, then nothing.

I lay there waiting for the ringing in my ears to die down. As it did, finally, I could hear a gurgling, raspy sound from the darkness… then a wheeze and a rattle, followed by silence.

“Fiona, cover me,” I called out, then edged forward in a crouch.