Apparently God or the Devil or somebody had decided I didn’t know shit and needed to be taught a fuckin’ lesson.

At least Fiona was safe – and so far I was okay, too.

All I knew is that I was going to kill Lou Shaw if it was the last thing I did.

We were maybe a quarter mile into the hills when my phone rang.

I was using the flashlight app on my phone to light our way. The starlight was too dim, and the moon was less than a quarter full. So my phone was in my hand when suddenly it starting ringing.

I nearly dropped the damn thing, I was so startled. Fiona let out a little cry.

I checked the screen.

“Hold on, it’s Kade,” I said. I shut the flashlight thing off – no need to drain the battery – and answered the call. “Hello?”

The reception was so scratchy, I could barely make out Kade’s voice on the other end. “Jack – are you alright?”

“We’re alive,” I said grimly.

“Where are you?”

“In the hills behind my house. Where are you?”

“I just got here. Jesus, man… your house…”

“Be careful!”

“I am. I don’t see anybody.”

“I dropped two of them – there might be more.”

“Yeah, I see one body on the porch. Don’t know who it is – fire’s got him.”

GOOD. Motherfucker.

“They snuck up on us – we didn’t hear any motorcycle engines.” Now that I was thinking about it, I realized I wasn’t hearing something else. “And I don’t hear any sirens, either.”

“That’s ‘cause nobody’s here,” Kade confirmed. “No fire engines, no cops, no ambulances.”

“God DAMN it – Lou probably told Peters to hold off until he got word I was dead. Look, you better get out of there. When the cops show up – and they will – they’ll arrest you for sure, if they don’t outright kill you.”

“What about you?”

“We’ll meet you on Highway 57, on the other side of the hills.”

“Can’t you just come back?”

“I’m worried there might be another shooter. And if the cops show up, we’re all screwed.”

Fiona looked at me fearfully. I squeezed her hand. It’s okay – we got this.

“Alright… see you in, what, an hour? Two?”

“Two at least. Be there as soon as you can, but it might take us more than that in the dark.”

“Alright. Keep safe, man.”

“You too, brother,” I said, and hung up the phone.