Iwas on the phone with Kade when Fiona came out of her bedroom.

“I can be there in ten minutes,” he said.

“Stay at the bottom of my street, unless you hear gunfire. Hopefully we’ll already be on our way down in my truck. But stay hidden – if they see you, they’ll kill you for sure.”

“You got it,” Kade said, then hung up.

I heard Fiona’s heels on the hardwood floor and turned around.

The sight of her took my breath away. Wife beater, no bra underneath, tousled hair, long legs.

Jesus, she was gorgeous.

But I couldn’t think about that now.

“Here,” I said, and pushed a Glock and several clips across the kitchen table.

She held up her .38. “I already got one.”

“That can be your backup, but it’s a bitch to reload fast, so take these.”

She put the .38 in her jeans at the small of her back, stuffed the clips in her jacket pocket, and grabbed the Glock.

“Alright, let’s go,” I said, and turned towards the front door.

That was when the machine gun started firing.



Jack was headed for the door when the front windows shattered.


I screamed as the walls splintered with bullets.

“GET DOWN!” Jack shouted. He wheeled around and tackled me to the floor, covering my body with his.

Chunks of wood blew out of the kitchen island just inches above our heads.

He rolled off me so I could move. “Head for the back!”

I started crawling across the kitchen floor, the way you see soldiers belly through the mud in war movies. Bullets whizzed over my head, and bits of plaster rained down on my body. My heart was beating so hard it felt it was going to break through my ribcage.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a shotgun.


The front door disintegrated around the doorknob, and someone kicked it in.

An alarm started blaring.

It was strange how in the midst of all the chaos, a single thought formed clearly in my mind: Lot of fucking good that security system did.

Jack rolled over onto his back, pulled out his .45, and started firing.

There a scream, and whoever had been in the doorway fell backwards with a thud.