But what I’d had with Fiona… it felt real. Realer than anything I’d ever had with a woman before.

And now that it was gone, I felt like a part of me had been cut off, but I could still feel it. An itch I couldn’t scratch, a pain that wouldn’t go away.

Back there in the motel room in Joshua Tree, I’d never had a clearer picture of what I wanted versus what I had. On one hand was Sloane – my old life, the one I didn’t want anymore. On the other hand was the woman and the life I desperately wanted, but that was out of my reach forever.

I hung up with Kade and went out and saw Fiona. She was sullen and withdrawn.

That was another thing that stuck in my craw: she didn’t want me to touch her, and yet she was acting like a jealous bitch about Sloane. She was trying to hide it, but she wasn’t very good at it.

At first I thought she was crazy, but then it started to make sense. After that night at the Roadhouse, when I hated her for lying to me, there’s no way in hell I would have touched her – but if I saw her with another man, it probably would have driven me insane.

So maybe she wasn’t so crazy.

Or maybe we both were.

Made for each other… with no fuckin’ way it was going to happen.

I told her I was going to bed, and then I went in, got undressed, and laid there in the dark, unable to go to sleep. I could still smell her on my sheets from the night before. The scent of her body was driving me crazy.

I thought about last night… the way I’d seen her out in the kitchen… how she’d looked… that wifebeater… her bare legs… the way she’d cried out when I first slid inside her…

I was hard as a rock when my phone rang, startling the shit out of me.

I checked the screen: Sloane.

Strangely enough, my hard-on just about died on the spot.

“No booty calls,” I said when I answered.

“This ain’t a booty call, this is a ‘get your ass the fuck outta Dodge’ call.”

I sat up in bed. “What?”

“I just left the Seven Veils five minutes ago.”

“Damn, you work fast.”

“No sense fuckin’ around.”

“Did he buy it?”

“Oh, he bought it, alright. In fact, I’m a little afraid I oversold it. I could see the wheels turnin’ in his head. Now I’m gonna be lookin’ over my shoulder till you take care of business.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“The problem is, I asked for a finder’s fee for fuckin’ you over.”


“If Lou gets rid of you first, no need to pay the finder’s fee. And I’m guessin’ he’s thinkin’ there’s no sense fuckin’ around, too.”

I felt my chest constrict.

“Jack, I’d get the hell out of there if I was you. Otherwise I don’t think I’ll be collectin’ on the deal we made.”


“Don’t thank me – HURRY. If I’m right – and I’m pretty goddamn sure I am – you don’t have much time,” she said, and hung up.