Seven days?

“Alright. Say I can get Arizona to Palm Springs for you – ”

“Riverside, Lou.”

“Don’t push it. What do I get for my money?”

“You mean the Santa Muertes’ money, don’tcha?” she asked saucily.

“Time is money, and I’m spending my time. So what do I get?”

“I’ll tell Jack I’m in, and then I’ll pass along the entire plan to you. When the critical juncture hits, well… I’m afraid me and Tyler and the rest of the Bastards will just be off at spa day in Phoenix somewhere.”

I grinned. “Alright. It’s a deal.”

“Good. When’ll I hear from you?”

“As soon as I talk to the Santa Muertes. Give me till noon tomorrow.”


“Where are you gonna be staying?”

“I think I’ll keep that to myself, Lou,” she said with a smile. “Sure would hate for somethin’ unfortunate to happen to me.”

“Wouldn’t be from my end, Sloane.”

“I hope not. Would tend to put a damper on our relationship. Pleasure doin’ business with you, Lou.” She got up from her chair and headed towards the door. “By the way – if you do end up talkin’ to Jack before you kill him, don’t mention I told you all that shit about the DEA. Don’t blow my cover.”

“Dead men can’t tell secrets.”

“Yeah, well, live ones can’t neither, long as you don’t mention it to them in the first fuckin’ place.”

“You just want to make sure you can play both sides in case I don’t deliver.”

“I am a girl who likes to hedge her bets, Lou. You should know that.”

I chuckled. “We should hang out some time, darlin’. After this is all over with.”

“You get me what I want, Lou… we’ll have ourselves a real good time,” she said with a smile and a wink, then walked out of my office.


Isat there thinking about it.

There was no way the Santa Muertes were going to go for it. Even if Hector Reyes was on board – which was not gonna happen – there was no fucking way the Mexican cartel would give up even an inch of land to Sloane and the Bastards. Not without bloodshed.

And the DEA!

Deep down, I guess I’d always known it was coming. I just didn’t expect it to come through Jack Pollari.

That fucking traitor –

The DEA was going to do what they were going to do. Nothing I could do about that but wait for the hurricane to hit and hope to God I could weather it.

But if Jack and Fiona

(that fucking whore, I should have shot her when I had the chance)