“You like?” She glanced down at her chest. “Tyler was buyin’, and he likes ‘em big. Which is kind of ironic, considering…”

She held up her pinky and made a meh sort of face.

Jack glanced at the two guys with shotguns. “I find that hard to believe,” he said diplomatically.

Sloane flipped her hand like a Southern girl gossiping at a beauty parlor. “Oh, honey, I’m with Tyler ‘cause he’s trainable, not for the dick. I gotta get that somewhere else.”

Jack glanced at the two guys with shotguns again – this time a little more nervously. “Uh… do you really want to be talking about this in front of…?”

“Pigpen and Zed work for me. They know which side their bread is buttered on. Speakin’ of sidekicks, how’s Kade doin’?”


“Didn’t ever wise up enough to leave your ass, huh?”

Jack jerked his head towards ‘Pigpen’ and ‘Zed.’ “You might not want to give them any ideas.”

“Honey, the difference is, it’d be smart for Kade to ditch you, and it’d be goddamn idiotic for them to cross me. But enough about who I brought with me – who did you bring with you?” she cooed, taking a long look at me from head to toe.

I swear, she didn’t just undress me with her eyes. She had me tied up and bent over the bed, too.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. It was creepy… and sort of hot, in a weird way. Whatever else, this chick was a sexual powerhouse. You could feel it radiating off her in waves.

Which, knowing she used to be married to Jack, upset me even more.

“Sloane, Fiona. Fiona, Sloane,” Jack said.

“Mmmm… helloooo, Fiona. Damn, Jack, you always did have good taste. I mean, Exhibit A,” she said, and swept her hand in front of her own body, Vanna-White-style.

“Yeah,” Jack said with a tight smile, like he was biting his tongue.

Sloane’s eyes returned to mine. “If you’re the one sharing Jack’s bed these days, all I can say is… lucky girl.”

“I’m not,” I said tartly.

“Oh. Well… more for me, then,” she said with a wicked smile, and dropped her gaze to Jack’s crotch.

Fucking BITCH –

“We came here for business,” I snapped.

She opened her eyes wide in mock surprise, like Aren’t YOU Miss Sassy. “Well then, let’s get down to business.”

Jack glanced at me in irritation – Be COOL – then eyed the ZZ Top dudes again. “I’d prefer we do it in private.”

“Mmmmmmm,” Sloane purred, biting on one of her fingers seductively.

Jack smiled darkly. “Not quite.”

“Are you sending Miss Fiona packin’, too?”

“No,” I said.

“She’s staying,” Jack confirmed.

“So it’s going to be a threesome?” Sloane teased.

“Not quite,” I growled.