“She’s his ex-wife,” Sid snapped. “Pay attention.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea, then?” I asked.

“No, but she’s the one person who could get close to Lou without him suspecting right away that I’m trying to manipulate him.”

“I don’t know…”

“If you’ve got any better ideas, I’m all ears.”

I didn’t.

So of course he called Sloane.


Icould only hear Jack’s half of the conversation, and it went something like this:


“Not bad.”

“Oh, you heard about that, huh.”

“Yeah, well… I’m surviving.”

“Well, you were right about that – he is a son of a bitch.”

“Speaking of which, I have a… proposition for you.”

“I’d prefer to talk in person.”

“Alright… yeah, I remember. See you there about 6, 6:30?”

“Alright. You too.”

Then he hung up.

“…well?” I asked.

“We’re meeting her at a little motel outside of Joshua Tree, halfway between here and Phoenix. Should take us about four hours to drive there.”

“What do you remember about it?” I asked suspiciously. In my mind, I pictured a honeymoon suite.

“She mentioned a deal we did there, back in the day,” Jack said. “Back when we were first married and the Midnight Riders were still running guns.”

“Oh,” I said, relieved – and not sure why. Gun-running was way worse than honeymoon suites.


“Okey-dokey, have fun, kids,” Sid said as he opened the back door.

“Wait – aren’t you going?” I asked.

“Hell no.”

“Why not?!”

“I prefer to remain the secret weapon. If it goes sideways with this broad, at least she can’t tell Lou I’m workin’ with you. Not to mention I got shit to do.”