“Get him to talk,” Jack growled.

“Didn’t you hear what the D E Asshole said?” Sid asked. “They want the whole shebang – police, drugs, Santa Clauses, or whatever the hell you call ‘em. You go grab that kid, he ain’t gonna talk. He’ll claim it was him and not Lou cuz he wants to get protected in the klink, not be the whole prison’s buttboy every time he drops the soap.”

“I’ll beat it out of him, then.”

“Yeah, that’ll hold up real good in court.”

“But we have pictures of Lou there,” Jack insisted. “Lou owns the fucking property.”

“Maybe, but they still only get Lou and maybe those other assholes from last night. This Fordham guy obviously wants everybody and his uncle, not just a couple of loser bikers.”

“So what do we do?” I asked.

“We gotta flush Lou out. Force him to make a mistake he can’t come back from.”

“And how are we going to do that?”

“If I knew that, I’d’a been a little more specific the first time around.”

We sat there in silence, thinking.

I turned to Jack in frustration. “Is there somebody in the club you could go to?”

He shook his head. “The ones who would normally help me are too scared of Lou.”

“Can’t you warn them about what’s going to happen if they don’t help you?”

Jack and Sid both looked at me.

“That DEA prick was right,” Sid said. “You really do like racking up the jail time, don’t you?”

“I meant in general terms,” I snapped. “Like ‘a storm’s coming,’ or something.”

“What are you, a movie preview?” Sid asked, then did a lame impression of a Hollywood voiceover guy. “‘A storm’s coming, and it’s spelled D, E, A.’”

“It would be too dangerous,” Jack said. “Besides Kade, I have no idea who I can really trust – and it only takes one guy to rat me out to Lou.”

“Huh… maybe we should tell him,” I mused.

“What, that a ‘storm’s comin’?” Sid snorted.

“NOT ABOUT THE DEA. Jesus. No, we get somebody to warn him that we’re going to make a play. Maybe lure him into a trap.”

“What kinda trap?” Sid asked.

“If I knew that, I’d have been a little more specific the first time around.”

“Smartass,” Sid grumbled.

Jack was staring out into the distance. “I think I know somebody.”

“Can you trust them?”

“To act in her own self-interest, yeah.”

I frowned. “…her?”

Jack grimaced. “My ex-wife.”