Fordham looked at me like he was sizing me up.

“What, you want our connections?” Jack asked Fordham. “The pot dispensaries? You could get those off the fuckin’ internet.”

“No,” I said. “He wants the entire Richards police department.”

“Not bad for a second-rate PI,” Fordham said.

I ignored the insult. “Kade and I were kidnapped by three cops the same night Lou pulled his coup.”

“I need bigger fish than that,” Fordham said.

Jack clenched his jaw. “I can personally testify that we paid Peters off.”

Fordham scoffed. “For what? Getting rid of traffic tickets?”

“Looking the other way on the marijuana.”

“You keep saying the weed’s no big deal, we would’ve busted you already if we cared about the weed, blah blah blah, and now you want me to give a shit because you paid off some cops to overlook the weed? Not gonna cut it, Pollari.”

Jack looked at me, and I could see a flicker of unease in his eyes. Then he turned back to Fordham. “What about… paying him to cover up a shooting?”

“What kind of a shooting?”

Jack took a long time to answer. When he finally spoke, he didn’t look at me.

“…the murder of Fiona’s cousin.”


Ifelt like I’d just taken a sledgehammer blow to the heart.

I stared at Jack, my mouth slightly open, my fingers and hands suddenly ice cold – but he wouldn’t look back at me.

Fordham seemed interested. “So one of your guys killed her?”


Both Fordham and I frowned.

“So why pay Peters off, then?” the DEA agent asked. “What the hell were you covering up?”

“To avoid people thinking we had a hand in it,” Jack said, still not looking at me.

“Why would they think you had a hand in it?”

“Because we were at the scene of the crime.”

“And why was that?”

“Because we were going there to meet her.”

I felt sick, like I was going to puke.

Then I felt enraged. After all his sanctimonious bullshit about me keeping information from him –

“Who’s ‘we’?” Fordham asked.

“Me, Kade, and Lou.”