No, the bastard was going to punish me, and punish me, and punish me. That much was obvious.

I should have never slept with him.

But it was SOOOO goddamn good

I knew one thing for sure: it wasn’t happening again. He wanted to be an asshole, he could fuck his left hand.

Just that image in my mind of him jerking off, though – his big, thick cock in his hand, stroking it up and down – got me a little wet.


I hated being so into somebody who could piss me off so bad.

Speaking of people who could piss me off, Sid called on the ride over.

“Didja bone?” was the very first thing he said.

“I’m not talking about this with you, Sid,” I snapped.

“You boned,” came his confident reply. “I KNEW I didn’t wanna stay in that house. Like bein’ around a couple ‘a cats in heat.”

“Only girl cats go into heat.”

“Yeah, I ain’t touchin’ that one with a ten-foot pole. HE mighta touched it with HIS pole, but – ”

“What do you want, Sid?”

“Just checkin’ in. You’re about to go see your guy, right?”


“What’re you gonna do if he arrests you?”

I hadn’t really thought that through. “Make the best case I can for why he shouldn’t.”

“Good luck with that one.” He said it in a tone like What a sucker.

“Did you call me for some reason? Besides trying to make me even more nervous than I already am?”

“Yeah, I’m workin’ on somethin’, but I can’t talk about it on the phone. Gimme a call when you get out. IF you get out.”

“Thanks,” I snapped, then hung up on him.


Jack and I exited the highway and drove down the dirt road to the boulders. Unfortunately, nobody was there.

I got out of my car.

“Damn it,” Jack said as he got off his bike, looking around warily. “I knew this was a bad idea.”

“He’s probably just behind one of the rocks, like he was last time,” I said, then called out, “Eddie, are you here?”

“No,” said a voice I didn’t recognize.

Before Jack and I could draw our pistols, a man came out from behind one of the giant boulders. He was mid-30’s and clean-cut. He wore jeans, a navy blue t-shirt, a bulletproof vest, and some sort of radio headset. He was also holding a semiautomatic pistol, which he pointed right at us.

“Where’s Eddie?” I asked, my heart thudding in my chest