“It’s beautiful,” I said.

“It’s remote. That’s what I like about it. Wild and free.”

“Is that why you’re in a motorcycle gang?”

He gave me a sideways glance. “Motorcycle club.”

According to my research, that was only nominally true. A pretty fiction for the outside world.

“Is there a difference?” I asked, knowing full well what the difference was. But I decided playing dumb might get me a little further.

“Yeah – a gang is into illegal shit. We’re not.”

Nothing? I wanted to ask. No drug busts from ten years ago? No convictions of members for arson five years ago?

No murders of 26-year-old women in dark alleys?

But I kept my mouth shut.

“What’d the waitresses at Charlie’s tell you?” Jack asked.

“What makes you think the waitresses told me anything?”

“It’s a boring-ass job. When they’re not slinging hash, they don’t have anything more entertaining to do than gossip.”

I wanted to contradict him, but it was kind of accurate.

“They said you were the head of the Midnight Riders.”

“That much is true.”

I weighed the next comment. It could go badly, but I wanted to see if I could draw him out.

“They also said you were the most powerful man in Richards.”

He laughed. “I think the mayor, the chief of police, and a couple dozen bankers, lawyers, and real estate developers might have something to say about that.”

I shrugged. “That’s what they said.”

“Well, I suppose it might seem that way to a waitress. They don’t exactly see the mayor too much down there at Charlie’s.”

“Why do they think you’re the most powerful man in Richards, then?”

He looked over at me, his eyes narrowing. “You sure are full of questions.”

I could backtrack, but I was afraid that might make me even more suspicious.

“I just don’t want to get involved with a… guy with a history,” I said.

Right answer.

He grinned ear to ear. “We’ve all got histories.”

“Some sketchier than others.”

“Maybe so, maybe so. Speaking of sketchy histories, you still haven’t told me how you learned to go all Jean Claude Van Damme back at the club.”

“I got a part in an action movie, and they told me to train in Krav Maga.” A lie, but somewhat close to the truth. After all, I had trained for a job. “It’s this martial art where – ”