“I wouldn’t do that.”

“It’s not a request, it’s an order.”

Kade didn’t alter his voice much, but I could hear the gallows humor in his tone. “As I recall, you got demoted a while back.”

“Asshole,” I said with a grin, then turned serious again. “Give it some serious thought, at least.”

“We’ll see.”

“Alright… talk to you soon,” I said, and turned back towards the house.

“You hope.”

I looked back at him and nodded grimly. “I hope.”


When I walked back into the house, Fiona was waiting with the TV on mute. “Everything okay?”


“Did you tell Kade about Eddie?”


She looked irritated. “I told you that in confidence.”

That pissed me off. “You told Sid, I told Kade. He needs to know.”

She realized she wasn’t exactly on the firmest ground about lecturing people on what information to withhold. She kind of grumbled, then asked, “He’s not going to do anything stupid, is he?”

“Like arrange a meeting with the DEA and rat out the club?” I asked sarcastically. “No.”

She gave me a bitchy look, then unmuted the TV.

I went back to the office and did a whole lot of nothing.

Around ten o’clock she knocked on the office door. I looked up to see her curves outlined in silhouette by the hall light.

“I’m going to take a shower and head to bed,” she announced.


“It was a long day, and tomorrow’s probably going to be another one,” she said, as though she had to justify herself.


She paused. “Alright. Goodnight.”


A few minutes later I heard the shower running.

I was still a little pissed about earlier – not to mention all the lingering resentment over everything that had happened between us – but I couldn’t get her silhouette out of my mind.

That tiny little waist… those just-perfect hips… those tits straining at her wifebeater…

And now she was naked, not thirty feet away from me.