I could say it, yeah – but when he did, it hurt like hell.

“Whatever,” Sid said as he got inside his car. “Like I always say, a schlong in the bush is worth two in the hand.”

Then he closed the door, cranked the engine, and drove away.

“…what the fuck?” Jack muttered.

“Never mind,” I said. “Let’s just get back to Richards.”

I got in my car and watched as Jack swung a leg over his Harley – a very muscular leg. With a spectacular ass.

Which got me to thinking about what else he was packing under those jeans.

I had to snap out of my daydream and rush to catch up when he pulled out into traffic.


The ride to Richards was long because of rush hour traffic, but otherwise uneventful. I followed him the entire way there in my car.

Once we pulled into Jack’s driveway, he got off his bike and helped me carry my suitcases inside. Not a word was said – at least, not until he set down my bags outside a door off the main hallway.

“You can have the spare bedroom. The bathroom’s at the end of the hall.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“I haven’t got anything to eat except frozen dinners.”


“I’ll go and pop a couple in while you wash up.”


He walked away.

I have never had such a stupid, mundane conversation that was so filled with sexual tension.

Dinner was just as bad. We sat there eating nuked lasagna and nursing a couple of beers, not saying a damn thing… but I watched him out of the corner of my eye all the same. I hadn’t seen him for two weeks. Not only was I starved for the sight of him, but all that absence had made me forget how scorching hot he was. How muscular, how handsome, how fucking sexy.

He didn’t seem to have the same problem, though. He mostly just ignored me.

“Are we going to talk?” I finally asked.

He glared at me. “Nothing to talk about.”

“Look, we’ve come this far – ”

“And that’s as far as it’s going to go,” he interrupted. “You help me get the club back, I help you find out who killed your cousin, and we’re square. Got it?”


“Yeah,” I said icily. “I got it.”

We went back to our meals and beer.

Though I still kept checking him out on the sly.