No – the only option I could see was to take Lou down and pin it all on him, plus maybe a few others like Eyeball and Roach. After all, during the three years I was president, we were as close to clean as we ever got in the club’s thirty-year history. Maybe I could convince the government that Lou and a few cronies were to blame, not the rest of the Riders.

I shook my head in disbelief that it had come to this. We’d ditched the meth, the heroin, the coke, the gun running, the hookers, the extortion, the arson, and the occasional murder. And now, after all that, the DEA wanted to bust us for weed.

Legal weed, too – at least in the state of California.


My options were total shit. I could do nothing and sit on my hands while everybody in the club got 20 years to life… or I could expose Eddie and be responsible for his murder.

Or I could do the one thing I would have never, ever considered before today.

I knew most of the Riders would say that no matter how bad Lou had fucked me over, it could never justify what I was about to do.

Jack Pollari, bad-ass motherfucker, former president of one of the most feared biker clubs on the West Coast, was going to work with the federal government to take down the Midnight Riders.

I was going to try to save the club by betraying it.

Fuck it. Maybe it would work. Maybe I could keep twenty or thirty guys out of jail.

Part of me asked why? Why stick my neck out for men who had gone along with Lou and stabbed me in the back, or kept their mouths shut out of cowardice? They didn’t fucking deserve my help. And even if I succeeded, all they would do in return was curse my name.

But when I patched in, I swore allegiance to the club. For me, that meant the men who belonged to it. Not the name, not some abstract idea. The club was the guys I rode with.

And when you looked at it like that, I didn’t really have much of a choice.

Sit back and do nothing, and watch them all go to jail… or do something horrible, and maybe save some of them.

“Do you think this is a good idea?” I asked Sid. “Going to the DEA?”

He shrugged. “It’s a gamble.”

“It’s a gamble going up against Lou.”

“Well, then, you know what they say: fight fire with fire. Unless you got water, that usually works better.”

I squinted at him, not sure if he had all 52 cards in his deck.

Fiona spoke up. “This has got to be your decision. You’re the one who’s got to live with the consequences if it goes bad.”

“So do you,” I pointed out. “If it goes bad, the DEA’s not going to let you walk away, either.”

Her face was calm as she said, “I’ve already decided.”

I hesitated… then finally gave in. “Make the call.”



To tell the truth, I was terrified. I knew Eddie was going to rip me a new asshole for revealing his identity – in fact, he might even send the goon squad to come pick me up immediately.

“I should probably talk to him in private,” I said.

That immediately pissed Jack off.

“No – no more secretive shit. If I’m going along with this, then I want to hear every fucking word. No more surprises.”

I wanted to shout, What, don’t you trust me?