
“The DEA blackmailed me into being an informant for them.” I felt my face burn hot with shame. “I wasn’t with them, and I didn’t work for them, but…”

Jack just sat there looking at me silently, frozen in his seat in shock.

Then he erupted.

“Mother FUCKER!” he roared as he stood up and slung his chair against the opposite wall with a CRASH!

I bolted to my feet, scared as hell but ready to defend myself.

Sid calmly opened up his desk drawer, took out his .357 revolver, and pointed it at Jack. “Don’t do that,” Sid said contemptuously, like he was telling a kid not play with dog poo.

“Sid, no!” I cried out.

“Tell your boyfriend not to go fuckin’ throwin’ my furniture around, then.”

Jack ignored Sid completely and just yelled at me. “EVERY – FUCKING – TIME! Every fucking time I gave you a chance to come clean with me, and you FUCKED me!”

“I know you risked your life trusting me,” I pleaded. “Well, now I’m risking mine. I could go to jail if they find out about this.”

“You think those two things are the same?! I lose everything, and you – ”

“Do twenty years in prison? Yeah, they’re pretty much the same fucking thing,” I snapped.

That calmed him down. He was still angry, but at least he was rational. “Alright… I guess you have a point.”

“Well, now that we’re one big happy family again – ” Sid deadpanned.

Jack ignored Sid and focused on me. “Why are you even bringing this up now?” he fumed.

“Because you deserve the truth.” I hesitated, unsure whether I wanted to say the next part. “And because… I think maybe we should try to work with my contact.”

Jack stared at me – but this time he looked more bewildered than furious. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me – you think I’m going to work with the DEA to take down my own club? No way in HELL.”

Do I go all the way with this? I asked myself.

…yeah. Why not.

“Too late,” I said. “You’ve already worked with him.”

Jack frowned. “…what?”

“You can’t tell anybody this – you can’t use it against Lou, you can’t out him to the club – ”

“Just tell me!” Jack roared.

“Eddie Deacon. He’s a DEA agent. That’s why he joined the Midnight Riders.”



Well, that was a hell of a sucker punch.

When she told me, all I could do was stare at her in shock.
