“Good,” Lou said, then yelled towards the front, “PEANUT! Get this sack of shit out of here!”

“I’m taking her with me now,” Jack said, and put one arm around my waist.

Half of me was annoyed at the possessive, paternalistic gesture…

…and the other half went gooey at the feel of his strong, muscular arm against my body.

Lou gave him a sideways glance, then winked at me. “Go on, darlin’… I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side.”


Jack took me out front to his ride – a massive Harley, heavy and powerful, black leather and chrome.

“I gotta say, that was impressive,” he said as he handed me the spare helmet, one of those metal ones that look very German army circa 1917.

“Thanks,” I said as I strapped it on.

“Where’d you learn moves like that?”


He grinned at me. “Fine – be mysterious.”

He got on the bike and fired it up. I settled in behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

Ohhhh… I was right about that six-pack…

He took off fast through the dark city streets, the hot wind whipping around us.

I was expecting him to take us to the Roadhouse – the only place I knew of that dared stay open after 2AM – but he surprised me by turning down a road that led up into the hills.

We passed by a few houses, then finally reached an old ranch-style place at the end of a deserted cul-de-sac. He pulled up into the driveway by a Ford truck and cut the engine.

“I thought we were going out for a drink,” I said.

“We are,” he said as he got off the bike. “As promised, marginally classier than the Seven Veils.”

Again, I had mixed feelings. I liked the idea of being alone with him… but I didn’t like how he was assuming where things were going. Especially after having spoken to me for maybe a sum total of 30 minutes.

On the other hand, he was definitely a take-charge kind of guy who knew what he wanted.

That was kind of a turn-on.

But again… I’d known him for all of 30 minutes.

“I’d prefer a bar,” I said.

“Aren’t any bars open at 2AM,” he said as he started towards the door.

I was about to say The Roadhouse is, but I didn’t want to tip my hand.

And, truthfully, I was kind of distracted by his ass.

It was pretty goddamn spectacular.

He turned around when he saw I wasn’t following him. And I think he caught me looking at his posterior.

“We’ll have a drink, and if you want anything else, we’ll see,” he smirked. “Otherwise I’ll take you home.”