
“Nothin’,” I said, then played it off like it was no big deal. “Fuckin’ bitches, gettin’ all jealous… what’re you gonna do? Besides maybe takin’ down stupid goddamn incriminating photographs,” I said, ribbing him gently. “Besides that, of course.”

Jack got that stick-up-his-ass look again. “Lou, I’m going to tell you what I told her.”

“What’s that, bend over?” I chortled, playing it cool.

“No. DROP it.”

I put my hands up in the air. “Alright. Fine. Consider it dropped.”

Except it wasn’t dropped.

No fuckin’ way.


Ihadn’t run a background check when I hired her. Shit, I never check a chick’s background when she goes to work for me. As long as she’s got a good rack and a halfway decent face – and bends over my desk, or gets down on her knees – she’s hired.

Plus, Fiona had waltzed right in on Jack’s say-so. I’d put her straight to work because I knew she was a… not exactly a wolf in sheep’s clothing. More like a bitch in sheep’s clothing.

But now I was figuring it might be time for a background check.

I knew there were tons of places on the internet you could do it, but I didn’t know shit about that. Plus, when you’ve got professionals on your payroll, why bother with the middle man? Get that good shit before it’s cut with baking soda and baby laxative and god knows what else.

So I moseyed on over to the Richards PD and went in to see my number one buttboy Dan Peters.

The desk sergeant waited just long enough to pick up the phone and let Dan know I was here, then waved me on through. Motherfucker knew what was what.

Dan didn’t look happy to see me, though he faked it well enough. “Lou! To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Dan,” I said, and gave him a hearty handshake where we each tried to out-crush the other guy’s hand. I won. “I need a little help.”

“Well,” he drawled as he sat back in his chair, “I hope it’s not… too involved.”

“Not at all, not at all. I just need whatever information you can dig up on a girl I got workin’ for me at the Seven Veils.”

He laughed. “That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“They got websites on the internet for that.”

“So I’ve heard. But I wanted the professional touch.”

Dan sighed. “Alright… I’ll have one of the detectives run it through the – ”

“Actually, I’d prefer if you did it, Dan.”

He frowned. “Is there a particular reason?”

“My gut’s kind of worked up about this, and I trust my gut. But I’d rather keep it quiet in case… well, you know.”

That was pretty much code for In case I have to dispose of a body.

Dan nodded the tiniest bit. He knew the score. “In other words, I’d rather not know.”

“Let’s put it this way: I’d rather nobody know except you and me, if you get my drift.”