A better play would have been to recruit a girl on the down-low. Convince her to come work at the club without ever giving away that she was fucking Jack. Better yet, she could’ve fucked me on the regular, then reported all the pillow talk back to him. That’s what I would have done.

But no, he was totally upfront about how he was seeing her. Now that I knew he was banging this chick, I wasn’t about to let her anywhere near the action. She could just hover on the periphery and throw Jack a crumb every now and again while she was blowing him.

But then things got interesting.


Iwas going to Jack’s auto shop to talk about the next shipment of mary jane. A hundred bricks straight from our growers in Oregon, headed for some less-than-reputable dispensaries in LA and San Francisco that badly needed product. We were set to clear 40 grand on the transaction – much-needed dough, given the current limited slate of our economic activities. Jesus fuckin’ Christ, I missed the days when I could clear 40 grand a week just on meth and coke alone.

I was planning on bringing those days back.

Anyway, I went in to talk business, and the dipshit starts mooning about his piece of ass.

“Something really weird happened this morning with Fiona,” he said.

“What, she stick her finger up your ass when you blew your load?”

I figured Jack liked it up the ass. Men, women, donkeys, didn’t matter, just as long as it was up his ass.

He shot me a look. “I’m serious, Lou.”

I just sighed and waited. I wasn’t about to play his little bitch-ass guessing game.

He finally said, “She asked about Alison Levitt.”

The name sounded unsettlingly familiar.


“That stripper of yours last year,” Jack said, and he got a pained look on his face. “The one who…?”

He trailed off, leaving me to fill in the unpleasant blanks.

Which I did almost immediately.



I went into red alert. “What the fuck was she asking about her for?”

“Relax. She saw a picture of her on the wall and – ”

The WALL?!

“What the FUCK do you have a picture of her on your wall for, Jack?”

Jack got a dangerous look on his face. “Lou? Back off.”

In life and business, I play the long game – months and years versus minutes and days. I knew it wouldn’t do me any good to lose my shit here and now, so I got a grip on myself.

But I still couldn’t tamp down all my anger.

“Jack, do I need to tell you exactly how fuckin’ stupid it is to have a picture of her hangin’ over your toilet?”

“Don’t,” he snapped.

“Don’t what? Knock some common sense into that fuckin’ head of yours?”