“Well, your employee hit me!”

“I’m sure she was well within club policy. Weren’t you, Fiona?” he asked as he puffed on his cigar.

“You said no permanent damage,” I reminded him.

“That I did.”

“I’m gonna sue your fuckin’ ass!” Mop-head yelled at Lou.

Lou regarded him distastefully, though he spoke to me. “I also recall something about making an example.”

“Did you mean it?” I asked.

He smiled. “Abso-fuckin’-lutely.”

I glared at Mop-head, who despite his enraged expression, hadn’t made another move. I didn’t really feel like slugging a guy who was just standing there, no matter how big a douchebag he was.

“Next time,” I said.

Lou sighed. “You’ll generally find, darlin’, if you don’t make an example the first time out, ‘next time’ comes reeaaal quick.”

“I’m beginning to see the wisdom of that,” I said as I turned away.

That was when Mop-head struck.

Well, pushed was more like it. One hand on my back, one hand on the side of my left boob.

How convenient. And completely ‘accidental.’

It was a hard push. It probably would have sent me sprawling, except that he just had to cop that last feel, which dampened the force and only made me stumble.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jack’s face turn into molten rage.

He took too long, though.

I wheeled around and did a Krav Maga move: I seized Mop-head’s right arm with my left hand, grabbed his shirt with my right forearm braced against his chest, and brought him down as I swung my knee up into him.


I’d practiced that move thousands of times in class.

It had been fun doing it to a rubber dummy.

It was a lot more fun doing it to a real live asshole.

“UNH! UNH! UNH! UNH!” I screamed as I rammed my knee into his chest and gut over and over.

I was five inches shorter than him and a good hundred pounds lighter, but that doesn’t matter much when a hard, blunt object gets slammed repeatedly into your ribcage.

Mop-head’s eyes bugged out of his head. By the seventh blow, he was a sack of jello, and I let him drop face-down onto the floor.

Every member of the rank-and-file Midnight Riders burst into hoots and hollers and spontaneous applause.

Jack looked at me with a grin – and respect. “Nice.”

“Now that is what I call an example,” Lou said, and ashed his cigar over Mop-head’s ass. “Did he pay?”

I grabbed the twenty Mop-head had left on the table.