I nodded as I thought it through. “You only knew I work for a PI in Los Angeles – which is why you went around telling people you owe me money.”

“I figured it was better than ‘angry ex-boyfriend.’”

“Is that what you are?”


“An ex-boyfriend.”

“No,” he said, and anger flared in his eyes again.

I died a little inside, even though I wouldn’t have even called him that, either.

I don’t know what we were… except that I missed every second of it, and would have given anything to get it back again.

I didn’t think that was an option, though.

We stood there in silence for another few seconds.

“Why didn’t you just call?” I finally asked.

“Because I wasn’t sure if you’d answer.”

“I would’ve.”

He clenched his jaw like he was deciding whether or not to tell me something. I wanted so badly to hear him say, Because I wanted to see you.

No dice.

“I wasn’t sure I’d follow through if I just called,” he said. “I knew if I actually came down here, I wouldn’t back out.”

“Back out of what?”

“I want to hire you.”

It took a second to wrap my brain around that one.


“As a private investigator. I want to hire you to help me take down Lou.”

“Jack – whatever you need, I’ll do it for free. I owe you that.”

“No,” he said firmly. “This is strictly professional. I need help, and I’m coming to you because I can’t trust anybody in Richards.”

A tiny bit of hope sprang up inside me. “If you just wanted somebody outside of Richards, you could have hired anybody at the last nine places you looked.”

“You know the situation and all the players. Nobody else does.”

I wanted to ask, You SURE that’s the only reason?

But I didn’t want to hear him say, Yeah. I’m sure. So I didn’t push my luck.

“You realize I can’t do undercover or any sort of surveillance where I’m out in the open,” I said. “Lou and the entire club knows me. My cover is completely blown.”

Jack glanced at the door to the main office. “What about your boss?”
