I promised myself that, one day, no matter what happened, I was going to make Dan Peters wish to God he’d never met me.

In the meantime, I just clenched my jaw and gave a tight smile. “Shit happens.”

“Indeed it does,” Dan agreed sunnily. “Now what can I do for you?”

Go fuck yourself and die, for starters.

But instead of saying that, I followed my plan. “I came here because there’s a storm coming.”

Dan gave me a ‘concerned uncle’ kind of look and flapped his hands in the air. “Now, I can’t get involved in whatever goes on between you and Lou, you know that.”

You fucking piece of shit – you already did, when you had your cops nab Fiona and Kade. You just won’t do anything for ME unless I pay you more than Lou does.

I restrained myself yet again from leaping across the desk and pummeling his face. “I’m not talking about me and Lou. I’m talking about the Santa Muertes.”

“Oh, you mean that shooting over at the Seven Veils last Friday.”

“Yeah. That,” I said, unable to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

“Well, I wouldn’t concern yourself if I was you,” Dan said patronizingly, like he was telling a sixteen year-old girl Don’t you worry your pretty little head. There was also the added jab of, You’re not the Midnight Riders’ president anymore, so why are you even here?

I ignored his tone. “All of Richards is going to be concerned when the bullets start flying. Especially the mayor and the city council.”

Dan smiled and paused before he answered. The smile said everything: Ohhh, now I see why you’re here… but I’ll play along, anyway.


“I’m not currently worried about reprisals,” he said loftily, as though using a three-syllable word made him a fucking genius.

“And why is that?”

“If they haven’t hit you fellows yet, I doubt they will.”

What the FUCK?

That was like saying, It’s not raining right now, so it probably won’t ever rain again.

“Oh, they will,” I said. “Trust me.”

Dan shrugged. “Well, I can’t arrest people for a crime they haven’t committed yet, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”

‘Wait and see.’

Jesus Christ.

“Two of their people did commit a crime,” I pointed out.

“And they’re not around anymore, are they?” Dan said smugly, like he and I were sharing some sort of private joke.

“But the leaders are.”

Dan looked at me blankly, like What’s your point?

“Aren’t you investigating them?” I asked in irritation. “Did any of your detectives even talk to the Santa Muertes?”

Dan shrugged. “Even if the top brass was involved, they’d deny it.”

That was the Richards Police Department for you. Oh, you say there might be a giant criminal conspiracy? Well, the perps would probably deny it, so there’s really no use in hauling them in and questioning them about it.