I stood there in shock. The car engine was running, and the driver’s door was still open.

“That’s it?” I yelled after him.

“That’s it,” he called over his shoulder without looking at me.

I was stunned.

Part of me thought it was crazy, him driving up and walking away like that with nothing to say.

Another part of me was enraged.

That’s IT?! After everything that went down last night, he just walks away?!


“Wait!” I yelled, and ran across the parking lot after him.

He stopped and turned to look at me.

Suddenly I realized how stupid and impulsive I’d been – but I had to know.

“What about Jack?”

“What about him?” Kade said coldly.

“Is he… is he okay?”

“Not really, no.”

“Will he talk to me?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. For either of you.”

“I can’t leave things the way they are,” I said.

“I don’t think you have a choice.”

“I’m sorry about what happened – I am so fucking sorry, I swear to God I am – but I was trying to find out who killed my cousin.”

“I know.”

Kade didn’t seem angry when he said it. If anything, he seemed… approving, albeit in a kind of emotionless way. He could have been an asshole and said, Yeah, I heard, or Yeah, I was there last night… but he didn’t. He said I know.

“Do you hate me, too?” I asked.


That surprised me. “Why not?”

“I probably would have done the same thing.”

That surprised me even more. “Really?”

“Doesn’t make you any less of an asshole, though.”

My first reaction was anger – I’m not an asshole, you douchebag! – but I controlled it long enough to ask, “What do you mean?”

“When you sell out somebody who put everything on the line for you, it doesn’t matter how good of a reason you had. You’re still an asshole.”