In that respect, both of us were fucked.

For me, everything was over. My quest for Ali’s killer… my relationship, love affair, whatever you want to call what I’d had with Jack… all of it was over.

And for what?

Nothing. Nothing but the bitter taste of failure in my mouth, and some memories I might be able to savor someday years from now, after all my guilt subsided.


Ifinally drifted off to sleep around dawn and dozed fitfully for a few hours. My dreams were haunted by the smell of gunpowder… the dying screams of my cousin… the feel of a pistol against my head… and Jack’s hate-filled eyes.

I woke with a start to the loud buzz of metal vibrating on wood. My heart beat wildly and adrenaline coursed through my veins as I fumbled for my cell phone. The battery was almost drained, but there was still enough juice to show a text.

This is Kade. Where are you?

My heart leapt in my throat. I thought about not answering for a second, but I reasoned that if he and Jack wanted me dead, they would have done it last night. Plus, there was no way he could tell where I was – so why not get a little more information?

Why? I texted back.

Because I have your car and clothes.


Was this legit, or just a pretext to draw me out in the open?

I paced back and forth nervously for almost two minutes before Kade texted a single, impatient symbol:


I chewed on my lip and took the plunge. How do I know it’s safe?

The answer buzzed back immediately.

I’m not the one who wants you dead.

My heart stopped in my chest.

Jack? I texted.

No. He just wants you gone.

Excruciating pain welled up in my chest. All the events from last night flew through my brain in a whirlwind of emotions.

Holiday Inn near the highway. I’ll meet you in front of the lobby, I texted.

He replied, See you in 10.


Ipaced nervously in the entry to the lobby. I reasoned that if Kade tried a drive-by, at least it would be harder to hit me than if I were in the parking lot.

I knew that was insane – Kade would never have risked innocent lives to end mine. But the thought went through my head all the same.

When my car rolled up under the front portico, though, and Kade got out, I had to make a decision.

I hesitated for a long moment… then stepped through the automatic doors. I paused on the sidewalk, my arms folded across my chest.

As soon as he saw me, he didn’t change expression, and he didn’t say anything. He simply turned around and started walking towards the road.