Jack stared at me. He seemed almost as bewildered as he was angry. “I risked everything – I lost everything – because you fucking LIED to me!”

“She was my cousin, Jack,” I cried, tears streaming down my face. “I had to find out who killed her.”

“You could have told me that!” he bellowed. “You should have told me that!”

“I… I didn’t know if I could trust you.”

The words sounded lame even as I said them.

“YOU DIDN’T KNOW?! When did you ‘not know’?! When I fucking pleaded with you to get out of town? When I said I didn’t care if you were DEA, or FBI, just so long as you left – so I could keep you safe?! Instead, you let me walk in there without a fucking clue! You almost got all of us killed – and now I’ve lost everything – EVERYTHING!”

Tears poured down my cheeks. “I should have told you – I know that now, I should have told you, I should have – ”

“Fuck you, Fiona,” he seethed. “You’re a fucking lying whore, just like all the goddamn rest of them.”

He turned back to Kade and did something to his handcuffs. Seconds later, I heard the crrr-CHK of one of the ratchets falling away.

I stood there, my heart breaking, feeling like I was losing my mind. It couldn’t end like this, it couldn’t –

I reached out and touched Jack’s arm.

He pulled away like I’d burned him with a hot poker. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!”

“Jack, please,” I sobbed.

“Keep away from me, Fiona,” he warned, his voice hoarse. “Do NOT touch me.”

Behind him, Kade sat down on the ground and undid his shackles with whatever Jack had used on the handcuffs. I noticed he avoided looking at me.

“Jack… please. I have to know.”

“About what?!”

“…about Ali.”

He looked shocked, like I’d sucker-punched him. Then he laughed – a dark, vicious, ugly sound. “That’s what you want?”

My face felt like it was cracking from all my grief. I wanted to say, I want YOU, but I knew that would just invite another tirade.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“I got there minutes after she died. I don’t know much, but I know I didn’t kill her. Kade didn’t kill her… and as much as I hate that goddamn son of a bitch, Lou didn’t kill her, either. I have no fucking clue who did.”

My entire body shook. Hot tears ran down my face.

All this sacrifice – the man I loved, a chance at real happiness – and for what?


“You know what I do know?” Jack snapped. “I know I tried to keep her alive. I tried to get her to kick. I tried to save her. But you? Where were you? You weren’t there to help her when she needed it.”

He couldn’t have hurt me more if he’d stabbed me.

You weren’t there to help her when she needed it.

“You know what else I know?” he raged. “Every single goddamn thing I just said, I would have told you two hours ago – before you destroyed my life.”

My heart broke, and I sobbed like I was dry-heaving. I dropped to my knees there in the parking lot and doubled over like a gut-shot animal, howling in agony.