“Give me the phone!” I barked.

“Fuck you, you goddamn – ”

I roared and went in close with a flurry of jabs. He put his arms up, blocking them in a classic boxer’s stance.

That’s when I kneed him in the gut, street-fighting style.

He groaned, doubled over, and dropped the phone on the floor.

I scooped it up and brought it to my ear.


No answer.



It was like Eddie had punched me in the gut.

I sat there, my mouth hanging open. It took me a few seconds to respond.

I couldn’t believe the utter maliciousness of what he’d just said.

The evil of it.

“You’d be killing me if you did that,” I said.

“I thought you said Pollari was one of the good guys.”

“Lou’s not.”

“Well, maybe Pollari will protect you. If he’s that good of a guy.”

I imagined the anger and hurt on Jack’s face if he found out, and wondered.

Then the fear and adrenaline lessened, and my brain started to function again.

“You won’t expose me,” I said coldly.

“I will if you don’t cooperate.”

“Oh yeah? What if I expose you?”

Eddie crossed his arms. “U.S. Code 50, Section 421 – if you expose an undercover agent of the federal government, it’s a felony with a potential sentence of 15 years.”

The anger came back first. This son of a bitch actually had the nerve to blackmail me! “Get the fuck out of my room. NOW.”

“I’m not finished. If you expose me, the DEA will just pull me off the case, in which case we lose a three-year investigation. You, on the other hand… not only will we charge you under Section 421, we’ll charge you with obstruction and colluding with a criminal organization under the RICO statutes. And if I die as a result of you exposing me, you’ll be charged with accessory to murder, plus all the other charges. Best case scenario, you expose me, you’re going to be spending the next couple of decades in jail.” He smiled coldly. “I’ll make sure of it with the very next phone call as soon as I leave this room.”

I stared at him, and I could feel terror ooze slowly through my stomach. “You’re serious.”

“Of course.”

Rage took over at that point. “But if I die, OH WELL!”

“You’re not going to die. We’ll protect you.”