He took an even longer time to answer.

When he did, he blew my fragile little world apart.

“Your cousin was working with us when she died.”



My stomach felt like it had fallen out of my body and onto the floor.

“You ‘think’?” Lou asked, leaning over the phone, intent and scowling.

“Got here a few minutes ago. Lights were off, so I went up to the door – and then I heard a dude talkin’. So I backed the hell off. Thought it might be Jack… ‘cept it wasn’t, cuz… well, I’m on the phone with you, Jack.”

“A veritable Sherlock fuckin’ Holmes,” Lou muttered under his breath.


“Nothing. You were saying?”

“Well, anyways… just a second ‘fore you called, the lights went on.”

Lou looked at me with a vicious smirk. “Well, well, well. I don’t know which would be worse: her meeting with a fellow agent in the FBI… or fuckin’ some other guy behind your back, just minutes after she left you.”

I wanted to kill Lou.

But it looked like he might be right.

“FBI?” Roach asked in alarm.

“Bad joke, Roach,” Lou said. “Do you know who’s in there with her?”

“Naw, but they been in there a good while.”

“Are you sure someone else is in there with her?” I asked, feeling absolutely sick.

“Well, I heard a dude, anyway.”

“What did they say?”

“I don’t know. They was talkin’ too low for me to hear anything. Actually, it was just the dude talkin’, now I think about it.”

“Why the fuck did you walk away?” Lou asked, irate.

“You didn’t say nothin’ about there bein’ a dude in there with her. Plus I thought it was Jack, maybe, and – ”

“Never mind,” Lou cut him off.

I wondered angrily exactly what kind of instructions Lou had given Roach.

Like, Jack can never know about this. Not till it’s over with, anyway.

“Can you see who it is?” Lou continued.

“Naw, they got the curtains pulled.”

“Can you hear anything now?”