“Did you not fuckin’ hear me?” I asked, using the voice I reserved for guys who were about to get their heads bashed in with a tire iron.

“Um… yeah…”

“Come on back, Roach,” Lou said in a tired voice.

“But… I think there’s somebody else in her room.”



“You’re with the Drug Enforcement Agency?” I asked, still too shocked to really believe it.

“Drug Enforcement Administration,” he corrected me as he let his gun hand drop to his side.

He didn’t put it away, though, I noticed.

I narrowed my eyes. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

“What, would you prefer I be an enforcer for the Midnight Riders?”

“I want to see your badge.”

He smirked. “Undercover agents don’t carry badges, Ms. Christenson.”


Okay, that really was dumb of me.

Blame the terror when he grabbed me in the dark… followed by my utter shock to find out who he was… not to mention I had gone almost 24 hours without sleep.

But his tone of voice really pissed me off.

“Do they regularly threaten to kill people, too?” I snapped.

“Only when they need to play the part of a motorcycle gang member.”

“I didn’t know who you were. Not in the dark.”

He shrugged. “I didn’t know that. There was a chance you could have recognized my voice.”

“You know about Ali.”


“Do you know what happened to her?” I asked.

“I know she was shot in a back alley here in Richards.”

“That’s not what I meant. You’ve obviously been undercover with the Midnight Riders for a while. Do you know what happened to her?”

He stared into my eyes. Took a second to answer. “Not through the club, no.”

“What do you mean, not through the club?”

“I have no idea who killed your cousin.”

“But what did you mean, ‘not through the club’?”