Page 44 of Smoking Gun

She’sjustridiculously sweet and sassy all at the same time. No big deal.

She’sjustthe best fucking sex I’ve ever had. I’ll get over it.

She’sjusta girl who swept into town for a short amount of time that I happen to be becoming obsessed with. It’s not real. And it never could be.

Chapter 21


Sneaking into the loft before Keanna wakes up is a walk in the park. Any time she stayed over at my apartment and didn’t have work or school the next day, she slept in until almost noon.

I slip into a pair of shorts, duck into one of the bunk beds, and flop into the sheets. This bed is hard as a rock. Maybe Gage won’t mind if I sleep with him again tonight. Maybe his mattress is perfectly firm and soft at the same time. Or maybe the multiple orgasms and big strong arms holding me all night were what made me sleep so good. Butdamndid I sleep good.

It wasn’t for long. We didn’t drift off until after three in the morning. The little shut-eye that I got was so pleasantly peaceful and serene I could cry just thinking about it.

The afterglow of last night is lingering, because I still feel unbelievably relaxed. I put both of my hands behind my head and smile to myself. I can’t believe I actually followed Kee’s advice and took some time off from stressing about my career.

I thought it would be hard to do. There’s only been a handful of times in the last decade that my head wasn’t either worrying about what I needed to be doing, buried in a book, or on high alert in general.

I’m not going to lie and say that it’s not a foreign concept to me, but it’s been easier than I anticipated.

This feels…good. Better than good. It feels right. A lifetime of seemingly endless shifts in a hospital has never felt right. Neither did being admitted to the hospital as a patient myself because I was focusing so relentlessly on my job prospects that I didn’t prioritize drinking water, eating, or sleeping.

The bed next to mine creaks and I lift my head to look over in that direction.

“Hey, sleepy head.”

“Morning,” Kee mumbles with her eyes still closed. “How are you up right now? You got back so late last night.”

“Oh. Yeah, couldn’t sleep.”

“Is your Mom alright? You barely explained when you texted me yesterday.”

“I think so. It’s a long story, but she has sleep apnea. Nothing serious, but she needs a routine uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.”

“B,” she laughs. “I need to hit the books again because I have no idea what that is. How the hell do you remember shit like that?”

I wink and tap my temple twice with my pointer finger.

“Okay, big brains. But you’re not as smart as you think,” she laughs even more.

“And why not?!” I throw a pillow straight at her face.

“Maybe becausethat,” she points at my midsection, “is not your shirt.”

My head jerks down to the shirt I’m wearing.Fuck.

“Must have got mixed up in the load of laundry that I did.”

I was so worried about making it up here before she woke up and saw that I hadn’t slept in my bed that I forgot I put on Gage’s shirt this morning. I couldn’t help myself. It felt so soft and smelled just like him. And I didn’t have the energy to find the missing sweatshirt I wore the night before.

“I’ve never met a worse liar than you!”

I face plant into the pillow half-laughing and half-groaning.

“I’ll forgive you if you tell me how big his dick was. How bad do you want to pull the collar of that shirt over your nose and inhale it?” Her giggles make me feel more at ease.

I never planned on hiding it from her. But I was worried about bringing it up. Gage made it seem like he didn’t want anyone to know about us and I just wanted to respect that. I should have warned him that there was no way in hell Kee would go longer than ten seconds before sniffing it out.