Page 41 of Smoking Gun

“One more rule,” he growls.

My lips part and I hang onto his every word, waiting for the revelation that seemed to hit him after finally being inside of me for the first time.

“I don’t share.Ever.”

His voice is so low, it’s a barely discernible statement. But the words vibrate and rumble through his chest, and they register in my brain as a nonnegotiable command. His thumb runs the length of the vein on the side of my neck and I suck in as much of a breath as I can.

“Onlyoneperson feels every part of you like this.Fucksyou until you can’t scream anymore. Who?”

“You,” I pant.

“Say my name.” His face inches closer.

“Gage,” I breathe out at the same time that he releases his grip on my throat, moving his hand to press down on my clit instead. He pulls his hips back, then buries himself inside of me in one deep slam.

I’d fight in a world war as a nation of one for the mind-blowing explosion that follows. It’s all-consuming. Terrifying. Crushing.

There’s no perspective of time or place in the next minute of bliss. It hangs on, refusing to let me breathe or move an inch, wave after wave. He fucks me relentlessly as I float through my orgasm. It’s impossibly numbing and yet amplifies every sensitive nerve in my body at the same time.

Only when his roar of release sounds in my ear do I attempt to move. My hands have no feeling in them, but they search for him anyway. I scratch and grip the length of his flexing arms while his face falls to the bed next to mine.

He brings a hand up, smoothing over my cheek, brow, and forehead until it curls into my hair. It’s soft and calming.

He’s more gentle with every passing second and together, we come down from what I can only describe as the single most astonishing experience of my life.






And what he whispers in my ear next confirms it. I may never recover.

“Stay with me tonight?”

Chapter 20


Asound I hadn’t heard in ages echoes around my room. The old alarm on my phone is just there for shits and giggles, honestly. But I still have it set every day for those rare times that I get too drunk on the weekends and still need to wake up and take care of some things around the ranch. I get up early every morning like clockwork though, usually.

I shift to push the covers off and stretch my arms out because for some reason they’re half asleep. It’s only when I open my eyes and look down that I see I’m locked up in a pretzel of bare tan legs and sunshine-colored hair. A satisfied huff of air breathes out of my nose and I smile.

I’ve never been so happy to not have a fireplace in my room in the winter. She’s clinging to every inch of me like a spider monkey. The tip of her nose is cold when I turn to my side and she presses it right to my chest. No matter how numb my right arm is tucked underneath her, I wouldn’t move it for anything right now.

The alarm sounds again waking her up a little bit this time, and I groan. It’s impossible for her to get any closer to me, but she tries. Hooking her leg tighter around my hip and nuzzling her head a few times to burrow deeper into my chest.

I can’t reach my phone from this position to snooze the alarm tone, so it continues to blare.

“Do you need to get up?” Her voice is groggy from what little sleep we got last night. I’d gladly have three hours of shut-eye per night if it meant repeating everything we did. We fucked three times like a couple of insatiable honeymooners that held out before the wedding.

Reluctantly, I free one of my arms from her silky soft skin and fumble around the side table for the phone to silence it. It only takes a second to wind myself back around her and wiggle back down in the sheets like it’s our own personal cocoon.

“Five more minutes,” I mumble into the crevice between her neck and shoulder.