Page 33 of Smoking Gun

I sneak a look over at her when she doesn’t answer. She’s got her nose scrunched up while she thinks. I can see the moment she knows what she wants to say because a little smirk makes her left dimple show.

She kicks off the dusty old boots and turns toward me. Both of her feet are tucked under her now and she leans toward me with her upper body.

“What is this?” she asks.

“What is what?”

She points to me, then to herself several times back and forth. “This. You know what I’m talking about.”

Idoknow what she’s talking about. But I want her to come to her own conclusion before I blurt out what I think“this”is.

“I’m not sure that I do,” I lie.

“Oh, come on.” She lifts both of her arms into the air and then drops them back to her lap dramatically. “You’re really gonna make me say it?”

“Yep.” I grip the steering wheel a little tighter as I take a turn down a side street.

“You got into the shower with me. You touched me. Hell, we almost…”


“And you flirt. And ask me things. And you took care of me the first night I was here.”

“I don’t flirt. And you stare at me when you think I don’t notice,” I fire back. She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. But I can see a hint of amusement there. She thinks for a minute, then blurts out exactly what I wanted her to say.

“We are mature adults. We can be honest, move past the games, and say that we want to fuck.”

Wildfire heat blooms in my chest just hearing her confess that. I knew our chemistry was strong. There was no way she didn’t feel it too. But the satisfaction of her saying it out loud about sent me off the road. I rub the back of my neck and try and focus on not wrecking the truck. Or pulling to the side of the road and taking her right here and now.

“You want me to fuck you?” I ask slowly, barely able to keep myself under control. Each word lower and more unhinged sounding than the one before it. Ineedto hear her say it again. I need to hear it like I need air to breathe.

I watch the road ahead of me while driving, but still catch the single syllable word that comes out as a whisper from her sweet mouth. “Yes.”

I inhale deep through my nose. Pull my hat down farther on my forehead. Rub the top of my thigh. Bend and straighten my left leg. Anything to keep me from reaching out and pulling her into my lap before I’ve even stopped the truck.

“Rules,” I manage to say. It comes out more like a grunt than a discernible word though. “I don’t date.” I wait for her reaction hoping she doesn’t protest my demands.

“Neither do I,” she assures me. Her voice is higher pitched than normal now, a mix of nervous and elated. The fact that this is exciting to her and that she might want me as much as I want her is going to make it hard to get through the rest of the workday. And it was still early morning.Christ.

“And Warren would strangle me within an inch of my life if he found out,” I add.

“He doesn’t have to know,” she smirks mischievously. I can feel the seat dip as she scoots closer to me. “And what about me? Don’t I get to lay down some rules too?”

I chuckle at that. She has no idea how little control I plan to let her have once she’s under me. But I’ll let her believe she has some semblance of power anyway. “And what rules would those be?”

“We stay friends even after this is over. No awkward avoiding if we ever see each other ever again.”

Blythe is sure of herself. Confident. It’s one of the things that makes me so drawn to her. She knows what she wants. I try to picture this playing out the way she wants it to. Unfortunately, I have no intention of being friends with her. I could never pretend to just be her friend after this, and that internal realization scares the shit out of me.

Big bright burning red flag, dude.

Turn back now.

I don’t respond to her. I just narrow my eyes and stay focused on the road as other cars pass by. We come up to a stop light, one of only three in town, and it turns red. My head turns to face her. Luckily, she jumps right into another rule without waiting for me to verbally agree to her first one.

“And no kissing,” she demands.

I twist my expression, jerk back, and huff out a quick breath. “Yeah right.”