Page 29 of Smoking Gun

“I’m glad you brought me here,” I confess.

She wraps an arm around my waist and snuggles into my side.

“Me too. I want you to be happy, B. I knew coming home would help you figure that out.”

“You did?”

“Yes,” she smiles. “The way you avoid this place like the plague? You’re just scared you’d like it too much, call it all off, and come back here for good.”

I swallow hard and my spine goes rigid. I do miss it here, but I could never do that. I mean, I could. Technically.

But job options are just so limited around here. I can’t let go of my goals in favor of frolicking around the wildflower meadows. Poverty is not an option. I want better. Ineedbetter.

“I’m having a great time and all, but I’m going to lose my job if I don’t go back to work on Monday,” she blows out a huff and takes a drink.

My shoulders slump and I sigh.

“Well,” I raise my glass toward her in cheers. “Here’s to tonight then.”

She taps her drink to mine, and we smile while we tip them back and drain what’s left of them.

A burst of laughter sounds from the couch and I turn to see a woman with copper-red hair covering her mouth and throwing her head back in a fit of giggles. Gage is facing her and chuckling as well. What are they talking about that is so damn funny? I scowl.

Warren walks our way with too many drinks in his hands. The smile on his face is infectious and I can’t help but mirror it despite my frustration with Miss Redhead sitting right next to Gage.

“You good?” Warren asks when he reaches us.

“I’ll take one of those,” I answer and take a drink of the cold beer.

“Did you meet Amy and Keith yet?” He points to the girl I was just scowling at. “Keith works here part-time and they have their own place down the road. They’re getting married.”

I look where he’s pointing and see the couple he’s referring to. A kind-looking man sweeps and tendril of hair off of Miss Redhead’s shoulder. Oh. False alarm.

I wasn’t that jealous of her laughing so comfortably with Gage anyway.

“Oh, how lovely! Can we come?!” Kee squeals.

“I’m sure you can. I’ll ask,” he laughs. You know Kee is buzzing when she starts inviting herself to weddings. Shelovesweddings.

“By the way, I’m heading out pretty early in the morning to check cows,” Warren says to me.

“No problem,” I say. “I was planning on stopping by to see Mom and Dad tomorrow anyway.”

“I think they’re working.”

“Oh. Well, I’ll go early then.”

Of course, they’re working. They’re hardly ever not working. That reminds me. Work.

I noticed a few new residency interview invitations in my email earlier today when I had a moment to check my inbox. I shouldn’t wait too long to confirm and schedule those. Maybe I should stop daydreaming and shift my focus back to that.

“I’m going to head to the kitchen for a water actually,” I announce.

“There’s some right there in the cooler by the couch, sis.” Warren nods to the oversized white ice chest next to the couch in the living room.

“Okay. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

I wind my way through a few groups of people eating. drinking, and in deep conversation to make my way closer to the living room. Gage spots me and stands. He pulls his hat off and runs a hand through his hair. It’s vaguely disturbing how hot the air in my lungs feels every time he does that.