Page 16 of Smoking Gun

“I didn’t notice,” I say honestly.

“Apparently,” he scoffs. “You wouldn’t know what to do with a woman that wanted you if it was written in a handbook that you kept in your back pocket, you old grump.”

“Yes I would. And how the fuck would you know?”

“Let’s see it then,” he smirks and holds his hands out, waiting for me to make some sort of display of performance. He knows I won’t play his little game. I have no interest in that girl. I wouldn’t go hit on her and get her number just to prove that I could. “Your dick’s gonna fall off if you keep ignoring every girl panting in your direction.”

“Wh-what?” The laugh that’s been stuck in my head all night sounds behind us

“Gage is scared of girls.” Tripp deadpans as he takes a long swig of his beer.

Blythe slides between us and takes a look at the water in front of me.

“Well?” She smiles. The neon lights dance off the highlights in her hair and the apples of her cheeks. “Are you?”

The answer is no, I’m not scared of women. I’m just a lot more discreet about my hook-ups. Tripp trots around like there’s some sort of prize to win for taking a girl home for the night. Not my style.

But right now? Yes. Hell fucking yes. This woman next to me, almost leaning against the side of my arm, scares the shit out of me. I like her way too much already and I’ve barely even talked to her.

I shift my weight from one foot to the other a few times and cross my arms in front of me to lean on the table.

“Absolutely not,” I say.

“Confident,” she raises an eyebrow.

“Totally,” I add several nods.

“Oh my… GOD! You’re lying,” she squeals.

“Am not,” I huff.

“You are,” Tripp chimes in.

At this point, I can only hope she doesn’t see the beads of sweat forming on my forehead. I wipe at it with the back of my hand and realize that was probably the dumbest thing in the world to do. Now I look nervous.

Shemakes me nervous.

She grabs my glass of water and downs a few gulps of it. The tiniest drop of water escapes and falls from the corner of her mouth. What I would give to lick it off of her chin. Instead, I wipe it with my thumb and instantly regret that decision.

She freezes and I jerk my hand away entirely too fast. Now the jitters?

Fuck me.

At least it makes her smile.

“So practice,” she suggests.

“Huh?” I ask.

“Practice! On me.”

“No fucking way. And I don’t need practice. Because I’mnotscared of girls,” I shake my head and chuckle.

“Oh come on you big baby!” She’s beaming now and asking for trouble wanting me topractice on her. Whatever she thinks that means, trust me, my version is a whole lot filthier.

“Yeah.” Tripp is enjoying this way too much and it makes me want to punch him in the nuts. “Practice on Blythe, Gage.” He turns toward us completely to give this debacle his full attention. The slow grin that lifts one side of his mouth is nothing but devious.

“I don’t do cheesy pickup lines,” I tell them.