Page 10 of Smoking Gun

“It’s been a long few days,” the girl whose name is apparently Keanna says.

“I took a nap on the plane. And I’m sick of drinking the endless water you’ve been forcing down my throat,” Blythe fights back.

“Ladies,” Tripp croons as he walks in the room. He holds his arms out on either side of his body. “I have a good feeling we’re—”

He doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence. I throw a pillow from the couch that lands square in his face.

“Shut up Tripp.”

“I was just going to say,” he throws the pillow back at me and rubs his jaw, “that I have a feeling we’re all going to have some good clean fun tonight.”

“Right,” I say.

“This is my sister, Blythe, and her friend, Keanna.” Warren tentatively announces. He looks in my direction and I just shake my head. I don’t hate the idea of playing host as much as I did a few minutes ago. “Girls, these are the buddies I work with. Gage, Heston, and Tripp.”

I stand and put my hands in my pockets because for some reason I’m too nervous to know what to do with them, and nod in their direction.

They both smile. I think. I haven’t exactly taken my eyes off one of them long enough to notice what the other is doing.

“I gotta make a stop. You riding with me?” Heston says to Tripp, then starts toward the door.

“Yeah, wait up.” Tripp tosses his beer bottle in the trash and runs after him. Before he makes it out the door he turns around, takes his hat off, and winks in the girls’ direction. “Nice to meet you ladies.”

The laugh that bursts out of Keanna’s mouth is hysterical. “He really thinks he’s hot shit huh?”

“You have no idea,” Warren and I say at the same time.

“Well, we doing this?” Keanna looks to Blythe

“Might as well. You lectured me the whole way here about having some fun, remember? Don’t chicken out now.”

They both squeal and jump up and down.

“Warren can you get the rest of our bags? There’s still a few in the rental car. I’m taking the world’s fastest shower and then getting ready! B, pick an outfit for me!”

Warren nods, turning on his heel and heading out to their car for the bags. Keanna opens a few doors in the hallway before finding the guest bathroom. It only takes a second after she steps in and closes the door to hear the water starting up in the shower.

Blythe and I are alone now. I look down at my phone to check the time for no reason. Try to act casual or like I’m busy or something.

“I like your beard.”

Her sexy voice directed at me makes me flinch, and my phone drops to the floor.


I bend over to quickly pick it up and wipe the nervousness from my face before I right myself again. One hand lifts my hat while the other runs through my hair.

“Thanks,” my mouth hangs open like an idiot. I’m not even making full-on eye contact with her.

I’ve had normal conversations with pretty girls before I swear.

“You’re welcome.”

She leans a hip against the island counter and laughs, soft and amused.

My eyes slam shut at the sound.

“I wish you wouldn’t do that,” I blurt out loud. Accidentally. Where’s my brain-to-mouth filter when I need it?