They entered the nightclub, the heavy door shutting behind them with a dull thud. Vibrant lights danced across their faces. The pulsating sounds ofSlut Me Outfilled his ears, the bass reverberating through his bones. Vincent caught Dominique’s hand in his, steadying her as they navigated the sea of gyrating bodies, taking note of the writhing bodies that filled the dance floor like an undulating mass of human desire. The scent of sweat and sex permeated the air, accompanied by the swirling smoke of hookah pipes and cannabis, a testament to X-Bishon’s reputation as a haven for debauchery.
He turned around to see his younger brothers, Josh and Nico, heading in his direction. They quickly embraced one another before Vincent made introductions. “Ladies, please meet my brothers.”
Josh extended a greeting to them first. “You must be Dominique. Shavonne. And you,” he said, nodding to Chasity, “I’ve heard so much about. Miss Chas, I presume?”
“Guilty as charged,” Chasity replied, a coy grin playing on her lips.
Nico grinned, showing off his dimples, and charmingly requested their hands for a kiss on the backside. The women awwed in response.
Vincent moved Dominique’s hand out of the way. “Nah, your lips don’t go anywhere on this one.”
“See how jealous he is, Dominique. The man knows you only have eyes for him, but he’s worried about his baby brother—who is the better-looking one, by the way—snatching you up. But I can dig it. I’d be worried, too.”
“Boy, if you don’t get your—”
Nico laughed and ducked when Vincent tried to mush his head.
Chasity fanned herself. “All I know is your daddy, and mama did a wonderous thing creating y’all ‘cause damn, all of y’all are fine.”
“Well, there’s one more. Where’s he at anyway?” Josh asked, looking around.
Vincent pointed in the direction of where the hostess told him the VIP area was located. He guided everyone through another sea of bodies, fighting against the tide of gyrating limbs in search of his brother. As they made their way to a spacious area in the back of the room, Vincent’s stomach dropped at the sight that greeted him—it was the last thing he would have expected to see.
Joey snorted a line of white powder off a glass table while Nevaeh stood beside him, looking distraught.
“Aaron Joseph Moretti!” Vincent barked, rage boiling inside him as he stormed forward. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Before he could stop himself, Vincent began to release a flurry of slaps to the back of his head.
Joey slurred, his eyes glazed and unfocused. “Chill, man! Just having a little fun.” He tried to protect himself against Vincent’s attack.
“Fun?” Vincent spat, his jaw clenched so tightly it felt like his teeth would shatter. “You callthisfun? I don’t believe this shit. What the hell was rehab for?”
“Vince, I stepped away to go to the bathroom and the bar. I come back, and he’s here with some guy I don’t even know,” Nevaeh’s voice quivered with worry. “I swear to God I tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen.”
“Of course, I know you did,” Vincent muttered, his anger momentarily dampened by the concern etched across her face. He could see the strain of her efforts in the way she wrung her hands, her nails digging into the flesh of her palms.
He turned to Josh and Nico, who were staring in shock. Vincent was certain they had the same thing on their mind. How did their brother end up like this again? He was doing good. Was it the false allegations against him?
“My King?” Vincent peered down at Dominique. Her soft touch on his arm had a calming effect. He relaxed his furrowed brow.
“Mama said you had a girlfriend. She’s beautiful and thick as hell, like my heaven. Good job, Counselor.” Joey rubbed his eyes as if trying to clear his vision. He smiled at Dominique. “I’m his brother, Aaron, but they call me Joey. What’s up?”
“Nice to meet you,” Dominique smiled, but it was forced.
Vincent let out a low growl, his frustration evident. “You need to pull yourself together, man.”
Joey straightened his posture and took a deep sniff. “I am, and I was trying to have a good time. Why are you trying to ruin it for everybody, Vince? Damn, always the serious one.” He glanced around, seeing their other brothers, and was about to speak to them but saw Chasity and Shavonne. Joey scrunched up his face. “You got them some girls too. Wait, that’s not the same girl, Nico. Where’s Jordyn? No disrespect, but we like her.”
“Joey, get your shit, and let’s go,” Vincent commanded. “We’re leaving.”
“Aw, come on, Vince,” Joey whined, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. “The party’s just getting started.”
“Enough!” Vincent roared, his patience worn thin as a razor’s edge. He grabbed Joey by the collar, hauling him to his feet. “I said we’re going. Now!”
Xander’s laughter sliced through the pulsating beats of the club like a razor, drawing Vincent’s gaze to his approaching figure. Another man a few inches shorter trailed after him, a smug grin plastered across his face. He immediately let his brother go and instructed Josh to take over with getting everybody ready to head out. Dominique was his concern now. Vincent took her hand and moved them away a few feet off to the side.