With sadness in my heart, I try and focus on the things that are important today. I am about to become Lennox's wife and I could not be happier about that. I just wish, after everything, that my father could have forgiven Lennox and me.

I stand in front of the full-length mirror and admire my reflection. I am wearing a dress fit for a queen, a beautiful corset that flows into a wide skirt that falls softly over my body with intricate lace stitched into the white fabric. My hair is up with soft curls falling over my face. I have a tiara of diamonds pinned into my hair and it catches the light and throws sparkles in all directions. The make-up artist has just finished doing my make-up and now I am alone in the room, taking a moment to gather my thoughts.

I have never felt more beautiful. I just wish my parents could be here to see it.

There is a soft knock at the door. "Come in," I say, assuming that the make-up artists left something behind.

In the reflection of the mirror, I see the door opening and my heart leaps into my throat when my father walks into the room. He is wearing a suit and looks amazing. He pauses in absolute shock when he sees my reflection in the mirror.

My father choked back a sob and covered his mouth with his hand.

"My honeybee," he says, walking over to me and turning me around so that he can see me properly. "You look like an angel."

"Daddy, you came," I say filled with relief. I have so many more words swarming around in my head. I want to tell him I'm sorry for upsetting him. I want to tell him how happy I am. I want him to meet my son. I want him to know that even though it is a different kind of relationship, we are both incredibly in love with each other. I want him to know that Lennox is a good man.

"Of course, I did honey. Your mom is with Logan. She could not wait to meet him. It's my fault we didn't come to see you. She wanted to. I feel like such a grumpy old idiot, Emma. It was all just a lot for me to take in, you being engaged to my friend and having his baby. But that doesn't excuse my behavior. I should've been there for you, and I am so sorry." My dad looks so sad, and I pull him into a hug, not wanting to start crying and ruin my make-up. "Daddy, I love you so much. Don't worry about any of that. What matters is that you are here now."

"Honeybee, I know Lennox is a good man. I know you two will be very happy. And I am very happy for you, for both of you. I did talk to Lennox a few moments ago to let him know that I am really sorry."

He hugs me close, and we stand quietly for a while, just holding each other.

He steps back, holding my hands in his. He looks me over again. "You really do look like an angel." He smiles at me, and I think to myself, today is going to be the most perfect day.

"We better get going." He says. "I have to walk you down the aisle."

My father proudly walks next to me as we walk down the aisle together. I see my mom at the front of the church, holding Logan, and my heart is filled with joy. Danny is standing next to Lennox, his best man. He looks so good in his suit. The church is packed with friends and family, and I realize that all of the drama that Lennox and I had to go through to be together is finally over. None of it matters in any way whatsoever now that we are here today. We overcame everything and our love stood strong through it all.

My eyes fall onto Lennox, in his black tuxedo, standing taller than everyone else at the end of the aisle. My heart leaps into my throat and suddenly I don't notice anyone else. I don't care about anyone or anything except for that man standing there - the man I am about to marry. My heart sings in my rib cage. He smiles so broadly seeing me walking towards him. I almost want to blush with the way he is looking at me. He touches his chest where his heart is, and I know he was always meant to be mine. We were always meant to find each other - in this life and in the next.

After the ceremony is over, Lennox and I have a chance to sneak away for some fun and beautiful couple photos. Then everyone joins us for a magical evening of incredible food and drinks. The reception hall is decorated beautifully with wildflowers in warm tones of gold and deep maroon. The tables are covered in earthy decorations, pinecones and natural wood, and candles everywhere.

Then the lights dim, and the music starts playing indicating our first dance as husband and wife. I don't know why I feel so nervous. Butterflies flutter around in my stomach as I hand Logan to my mom and stand up.

My dad holds the microphone and announces, "If everyone will stand around the dance floor, please, as we are about to witness the first dance of this beautiful married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Blake."

Lennox stands tall next to me, looking incredibly sexy in his dark suit. His blue eyes piercing down at me. He holds out his hand and I place my fingers in his palm. He leads me to the dance floor, where he pulls me close against his body. Fairy lights glitter above us and the candles on all of the tables around us flicker with light. The music moves through my body as I feel his arms wrapped around me, his hand on my lower back. Butterflies still dancing in my stomach. Lennox leans close and kisses me and everyone in the crowd around us cheers and claps and I can't help but smile. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. He whispers in my ear "I love you, Emma Blake."

Emma Blake. He is mine forever. I can love him forever.

Everything is perfect.

The evening slowly comes to an end and Lennox is leading me out of the celebration. Everyone stands on both sides of the walkway and as we walk past, they throw rose petals into the air which fall down around us like snow. Lennox holds my hand, leading me towards our waiting limousine.

I have baby Logan in my arms and when I reach the limo Lennox opens the door for me. Before I get into the car, he pulls me close and kisses me again, in front of everyone. Then he leans close to me and says, "Let's go on an adventure, my angel." I laugh and we climb into the car, and we drive to the airport to catch a plane to our honeymoon in Hawaii.

On the drive there, baby Logan is sleeping peacefully.

"I hope he stays this peaceful on the plane as well."

"Well, I did book out most of the first-class seats around us to give us some privacy." He chuckles and I roll my eyes at him. "You are so extravagant," I say.

"Everything for you, my wife." He smiles at me, warmly and I lean into his arm, breathing the scent of him.



We are all three on the beach under a large umbrella. Emma and Logan are playing in the sand. There are plastic buckets and spades and toys scattered around them. Logan is pressing his toes into the sand and giggling like crazy at the new feeling on his feet. Emma is laughing every time Logan laughs and the two of them are making me laugh.