There is a knock at the door and Lennox shouts, "It's open," and then the bathroom is filled with emergency medical technicians.

"Looks like we are late for the party." A tall paramedic says. He grins down at us sitting on the floor, the bathroom still lit by candles, and I realize that it is so obvious what we were doing just before all of this happened. My face flushes bright red and I also realize I'm still completely naked. Lennox reached out, grabbed one of the towels, and draped it over my body like a blanket. He chuckles, caught in the act, knowing exactly what they're all thinking.

"Well, I guess that is one way to get a baby out." Someone laughs.

Lennox and I grin at each other and one of the EMTs takes my little boy from my arms so that Lennox can help me stand up.

While they give our little boy a quick look over; Lennox helps me dry off and slip some clothing on, then he drives with me and our little baby in the ambulance to the hospital.

I cannot stop smiling, and neither can Lennox.

And when the doctor comes through to tell us that everything is one hundred percent good with both me and our son, my heart is filled with joy. Lennox is sitting on the bed next to me, his arm around my shoulder, our baby cradled against my chest. Our hearts are filled with so much love we can't hold back.

I drift off to sleep in Lennox's arms and in the morning the midwife stops by to make sure the little one is breastfeeding and happy. Lennox finally says he is going to leave my side for the first time since we arrived here so he can grab a coffee downstairs.

For the first time I am alone in the hospital room, with my baby in my arms and I am staring down at his tiny hands, and his tiny nose, tracing my finger over his plump cheeks. I hear laughter from the nurses' station outside my room.

They are talking just loud enough for me to make out what they are saying.

"Well, no wonder. I mean who wouldn't want a rich sugar daddy? I would also have gotten pregnant so that he couldn't get away."

My heart sinks. They are talking about me. Another girl laughs "Yes. I heard how it all started. They say that sleeping with him is how she got the job in the first place."

My heart sinks a little. Why do people have to be so nasty? So petty. I blink back tears, feeling emotional.

Lennox comes into the room with breakfast croissants for both of us. "Here you go, sweetheart. It's your favorite, the chocolate one."

He sees my face and puts the packets down. "What is going on?"

"I'm just overwhelmed," I say, wiping the tears away and smiling. I feel instantly better now that he is back with me. "Can we go home?"

"They have given you both the all-clear." He smiles at me. "So, we can leave just after lunchtime. They want to make sure he feeds normally, just to double check, same as this morning."

"Oh, thank goodness. I really don't want to stay here at the hospital."

"I know what you mean," Lennox says thoughtfully. I think someone might have said something to him while he was at the cafeteria downstairs. He shakes his head and smiles warmly at me. "Don't worry about anyone else, Em. It's you and me and our little one. Guess what we have to do now?"

He raises his eyebrows. "What?" I say, confused.

"Well, we have to think of a name. I already have a few picked out."

"Me too." I laugh.

"Ok, I have an idea." He grabs an empty glass from my bedside table and scratches around till he finds a pen and paper.

"What are you up to?" I grin.

"You are going to write two names on little pieces of paper, and I am going to write two names on little pieces of paper. -Then we can fold them up and put them in this glass and you can pick one out?"

"Oh, my goodness, I love that idea," I say, genuinely excited.

We each secretly write the names we like and fold up the paper into a tiny square and drop it into the glass.

Lennox gives the glass a little swirl, sending the papers into a whirlpool until they are nicely mixed in with each other.

He holds the glass towards me, and I close my eyes, reaching my fingers in I feel for a piece of paper and take it out.

I don't unfold it right away. I grin at Lennox.