I sigh and sink onto the sofa next to her, pulling her legs onto my lap and rubbing her feet. I feel exhausted and I just want to lay in her arms and not speak, but she is staring at me, patiently, giving me the space to organize my thoughts so that I can tell her what is going on.

"They let me go. The assessment was inconclusive, so I am not losing my license, but the hospital does not want to take the risk of me working there anymore."

She nods quietly. "That is good news though, isn't it? That you don't lose your license."

"Yes, it definitely is. I have decided that I am going to start my own clinic."

"Oh, that's amazing. That's a brilliant idea." She fills her voice with excitement for me and I want to believe it's real, but I am concerned.

I look at her smiling face and wonder about our past together. Our entire relationship has been so up and down and filled with roadblocks. Can we get through this one?

She speaks again. "Lennox, everything is going to be great. If you have your own practice, you can manage your own time and you will most likely be earning more than you were at the hospital. It seems like a wonderful idea."

Her voice trails off; she can see I am stressed about everything.

I nod, not wanting to talk about it anymore. I have so much planning to do, so much to think about. Everything seems so heavy suddenly.

I reach for the food that I brought home, needing to change the subject or do something else. I can't look into Emma's eyes anymore. I wonder if the hospital board made part of their decision based on all the drama we created there. I mean by now they obviously know Emma is pregnant and I'm the baby's father. They have obviously heard all of the rumors amongst the staff and worked out that it is all real, along with Emma's recent stay in the hospital.

I wonder if Emma and I are really good for each other if everything started so badly.

Over the next week, I am lost in my head. I do some business planning and get started on how and when I want to start my practice, but I feel lost in it. Emma is resting which I'm happy about, but I also feel like things are tense between us. She tries to talk to me about it, but I don't know what to say. I almost want to tell her she'll be better without me. But I don't want to add any more stress to what she is already going through.

I know she has also been wondering about the real reason for the hospital letting me go. She has tried to speak to me about it once or twice, but I brushed it off. Maybe she is also wondering if we are right for each other.

She has been reassuring me constantly and letting me know that everything is going to be wonderful once the practice is up and running. I just wish I could share that same enthusiasm.

In the evening after a quiet day with very little conversation, Emma is in the bathroom running a warm bath. She has lit candles, and the room smells of essential oils.

She insists I need to soak away my worries and relax with her. I don't usually like to take baths, but she wants to relax in one and I want her to feel relaxed, so I agree.

In the massive tub filled with warm water, she sits facing me. Her face is glowing, and her hair is pulled up into a messy bun. She looks absolutely beautiful in the flickering candlelight.

Emma grins and her toes run over my inner thigh, stirring my body to life. One touch is all it takes with her. I feel my cock stirring and I smile at her. "Is this what you had planned the whole time, sweetheart?"

She grins with mischief "Perhaps."

She makes her way towards me, sliding onto my lap. The water moving around us. "Well, this definitely does seem like a good idea." I say as I pull her onto my lap, wrapping her legs behind me. Her swollen belly filled the space between us. "You are so beautiful, my love."

She leans forward and kisses me, and my cock grows harder, pressing against her soft skin. She moans softly and slides her pussy over my cock. I run my hands over her breasts, more plump than usual and looking divine. In her pregnancy, she has a different kind of sexiness about her. I find myself just as attracted to her as before, if not more now that she is carrying my baby.

"I want you." She whispers in my ear, and I press my cock against her pussy.

She gasps as I slide slowly into her. She is so tight around my cock, and I can't hold back the deep moan that escapes my lips.

"Fuck, Emma. You are so tight for me."

She rocks her hips back and forth and I slide in and out of her slowly. It feels incredible and sends shockwaves through my body. She leans back a little, my hands on her hips as I thrust into her again, a little harder this time. She gasps loudly and presses against me every time I thrust deep into her.

I feel myself growing harder with need and excitement while she rides me. Her beautiful body splashing in the water and her breasts bouncing.

When I feel her pussy tightening on me, I lift her hips slightly and start to thrust faster and harder.

She cries out, throwing her head back. I feel her pussy pulsing and throbbing and I know she is about to orgasm.

She screams and her body shudders and I cannot hold back. I press hard into her as I explode, coming inside her.

She slides off me quickly, clutching her stomach.