The more he speaks the faster my heart monitor beeps and embarrassed I glance over to it. It's giving away how I feel before I have even had the chance to answer him. I grin. I can't sit up, but I reach out and pull him into my arms on the bed. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I will marry you." I want to jump up and down. I want to wrap my arms and legs around him. I want to shout. My heart is bursting at the seams, and I can't stop smiling.

I kiss him. I kiss him again. "Yes, I will marry you," I say again just to make sure it is real.

He pulls away from me so that he can look into my eyes.

He is smiling so broadly that I am filled with happiness, excitement, and love.



Icarry Emma into the bedroom and place her gently on the bed. Even though she is pregnant she looks like she has lost a little weight which I'm not happy about. This pregnancy has been really hard on her.

"I could have walked, you know."

"Sorry, beautiful. I'm not taking any chances."

I slide her sneakers off her feet and go to the closet to find her a fresh pair of tracksuit pants and a tee shirt.

I help her out of her clothes and into some fresh clothes without even letting her stand up unless my arm is around her waist. She laughs a little. "I know the doc said bed rest, but I'm sure I'm allowed to stand on my own."

I shake my head. "Not today. We can talk about that tomorrow." I joke a little, but I know I am also being serious. This was such a huge scare for me. I do not want to take any chances at all.

Once Emma is tucked in bed, I nod satisfied. "I'm going to get you some books and make you some tea. Are you ready for lunch? What do you feel like eating? I'm going to order something."

In my pocket, my phone begins to ring.

I glare a warning at her not to get out of bed. She grins at me "I'm not going anywhere."

I nod and answer the call, stepping out of the room, even though I know she can still hear me. The call is from the hospital, and I'm nervous to answer it.

"Good afternoon. Yes - yes, I can come in for a brief meeting. Tomorrow morning is fine. Yes, she is doing alright thank you for asking. Ok. I will see you then. Thanks."

I hang up, taking a deep breath before I go back into the room.

"The hospital board is ready to meet with me. The results are back from my assessment, and they want to talk."

"Did they give any indication?"

"No, sweetheart, and you do not need to be worrying about that at all. Right now, you just need to rest. After lunch, I think you should try and sleep, ok. I will come and lay down with you, so you don't feel alone."

I am so grateful that Emma is doing ok. But I can't stop thinking about how close I was to losing her and I will not take any chances with this. The next few weeks are going to be difficult, but I'm going to be here for her the entire way.

In the morning, while getting ready to leave for the meeting with the hospital board, I can feel myself rushing around without direction. I have so many thoughts in my mind, and it's obviously not only the meeting that has me stressed. I really do not want to leave Emma alone. I don't have much choice though and she has promised me several times that she will stay resting and not run around.

Emma is relaxing in the living room, wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa. I have already prepared a breakfast tray of snacks for her, and she has mentioned that she is going to relax there and watch a few movies while I'm gone.

"I told them I could only meet for an hour, a short meeting. I let them know I cannot stay there for long - "

"I promise, I'll be sitting exactly where I am now when you get back. You have to focus on the meeting now, Lennox. Stop worrying about me for a little while. I will be perfectly fine."

I sigh and nod, knowing I have no other choice. I have to go to this meeting and Emma is perfectly fine here for a few hours as long as she listens and stays resting.

"If anything happens, you will call me right away?" I say with a strict voice.

"I promise." She nods sincerely.

Fine. I sigh again. I lean down to kiss her goodbye. She squeezes my hand and says, "No matter what happens, everything is going to be great. Everything. No matter what."