"Lennox don't worry about that. The patient is fine. It was lucky she was still in the hospital, and she was completely fine now. They are not even keeping her overnight. She left to go home just before I did. I am worried about you. What is going on with you and what happened in the board room today?"

"Em, I am so sorry. I feel like I have failed you."

She squeezes my hand and smiles. "Impossible." She says with warmth in her words that reassure me.

I sigh. "I am suspended. They want to do a full medical assessment on me. They are not sure I'm fit to do surgery anymore because of the amnesia. They think that is why I made the mistake with the meds. It isn't though. I have just been feeling stressed lately, that is all."

"Then, baby, there is nothing to worry about. Your assessment will go fine, and you will be back at work in no time."

"And what if it doesn't go fine? What if I get my license revoked? I can never work again." My voice wavers and I can't speak anymore. I feel as though I might choke on my own words if I keep going.

I stare at Emma, the woman I want to propose to, the woman I want to marry. How can I ask her now? There is no possible way I can ask her now. I am going to have to put everything on hold until I know what is going on and I can be sure that I will be able to give her the future and life she deserves.

Emma pulls me towards her, resting my head on her chest. We lay on the couch; I wrapped in her arms while she ran her fingers gently through my hair. Everything is going to be ok. Everything has to be ok. I need to make sure it is okay so that I can marry Emma and we can be together forever.

She leans forward and kisses me softly.

"Everything will be fine. It will be better than fine. You are the best doctor I have ever met, and they know that too." She says reassuringly.



It is an early, sunny Saturday morning. I have been struggling to sleep lately as my belly is so swollen with our growing baby that I can't seem to get comfortable at night.

I stand in the middle of the spare room in Lennox's apartment, which is not a spare room anymore. It's our baby's new room. We are still busy setting it up. Lennox and I spent the past week choosing a color theme and decorations so that we could finally start setting it up. Boxes of things were delivered yesterday afternoon and I told Lennox he was not allowed to open anything without me so he waited for me so that we could do it all today, together. We painted it over the past week. Lennox did most of the painting. My feet hurt after work and I am exhausted all of the time, but I am feeling so happy at the moment.

Lennox walks into the room carrying a cup of hot tea for me. He is wearing dark blue jeans and a tight black tee shirt. He looks relaxed and happy, but I know the suspension from work is bothering him. He has also been struggling to sleep lately. I know it's the stress and uncertainty about the future. So, at night when neither of us can sleep we just lay in each other's arms, or kiss and explore each other's bodies. This pregnancy has made everything feel different, physically, and we are rediscovering each other in exciting ways.

"Here you go, my love." He says, handing me the cup of tea. "Now will you please just sit down for a moment?" He pulls me towards the single sofa rocking chair in the corner of the baby's room. It is not even unwrapped yet, but he guides me onto it and does not take no for an answer.

"Lennox, I can't sit all day. I need to unbox these things and start setting up the crib. I want to pack the little dresser too. Oh my word, this room is going to look so cute, and then… "

Lennox starts laughing at me.

"Emma. Sit, breathe, relax, and drink your tea. You are not going to be unpacking or building the crib. You can sit there and watch me do it, ok?"

I pull a face that clearly shows I do not like that idea. "I want to be involved too." I complain.

"You could not be more involved even if you tried. Never mind the fact that you are the one building a baby inside your own body. I had to wrestle the paintbrush from you and now you want to build the cot?" He chuckles. "No, sweetheart. Just sit there and watch. You can help me pack all of the new baby things into the drawers and cupboard once those are in place. Besides we need your magic touch for all the final details, the actual decor part of everything."

He leans forward, wrapping his hands around my face, his long fingers around the back of my neck; he kisses me deeply. My heart skips a beat and I almost spill my tea. "Sorry." He laughs and steps back.

"Well, now I don't want to build cribs or pack things. I have something completely different on my mind." I grin at him.

"That - you will just have to wait for, as I'm very busy over here doing manly things like building this crib." He winks at me, waving the wrench in the air and I shake my head.

"You." I sigh in frustration, but again my heart is filled with happiness.

While he works Lennox chats with me. "Em, have you decided on what you want to do for a baby shower? A before party of some sort?"

My heart sinks a little. "I don't know, Lennox. I can still feel that my parents are not happy with me now that we are back together, not happy with us. And all my friends from the hospital have been talking so much behind my back about everything. I just don't know if I want to?"

I struggle to find the words because I do want to celebrate with my friends and family, but it just does not feel like they want to be celebrating with me.

Lennox is watching my expression closely. His brows knot together when he sees how much the whole idea is bothering me. "My love, don't worry at all what other people think or say. You and I can plan something special to celebrate on our own. Maybe we can plan a little relaxing weekend away, get away from all of this - from work - from everything. Just be together and celebrate one of our last weekends before the little one arrives?"

"That sounds perfect." It does sound perfect. That way we can still have our own little party and be together where no one will see us or judge us.