It is fun sitting curled up on the couch with Lennox, browsing maternity clothing. Everything is feeling more and more real, and I can see he is making the effort to be involved and I really appreciate it. I choose a few items before I begin to feel too tired to carry on. He checks out for me, not even using my gift card, telling me that I can spend that later. Then he lifts me in his arms and carries me to bed. He climbs in next to me, with my back pressed against his chest, he wraps his arms safely around me and I fall into a happy, relaxed sleep.

Lennox and I share stolen moments over the next week in several risky, but exciting places. Even in the back seat of my new car during our lunch break one day while it was parked in the underground parking of the hospital.

We pass each other in the corridors and can barely hide the grins on our faces. I feel like a naughty child up to so much mischief. The thrill of it is adding to the fun and when we get home in the evenings, we still can't keep our hands off each other.

"You can at least let me cook sometimes," I say to Lennox, watching him as he stands over the stove flipping our burger patties.

"Nonsense. Why should you have to grow an entire baby in your belly and cook? I have my uses too. I want to help wherever I can."

He smiles, taking the pan off the stove and lifting the patties with a fork onto the buns that he has buttered and prepared with lettuce, tomato, and pickles. I was the one who insisted on the pickles as they had been part of my craving.

I have been craving burgers all day at work and Lennox insisted that he was an expert at making burgers. He looks excited as he hands me the plate and waits for me to take my first bite.

The flavors fill my mouth, and I am actually really impressed.

"Well?" he says - but my mouth is still full, and I can't answer. I try and suppress a grin while I chew but fail. I nod my head enthusiastically.

"Didn't I tell you?" He says excitedly.

I swallow and finally reply "It's amazing. Maybe the best burger I have ever had."

He grabs my face in his hands and kisses my lips hard. "Anything you need, baby. You just tell me, and I will make sure you get it."

And I believe him. I know he loves me and even though we still have to hide our relationship from the hospital I am so happy in this moment.



Standing in the hospital cafeteria, waiting for my cappuccino, my thoughts are on the future. I have a baby coming. There is so much I need to do to get ready and with all the chaos that has been happening lately, I have not been focused enough on that. I am excited and nervous. Overwhelmed, but also, I feel ready for this new part of my life, to take on the challenge. Mostly ready.

I glance down at my watch. It is eleven thirty. It is still early in the day, but it feels so late. It has already been a really long day and I am starting to feel tired.

Emma was tossing and turning last night and talking in her sleep. I know she is physically exhausted with the pregnancy, and it is starting to take its toll on her with work requiring her to be on her feet all the time so I am doing my best to support her and help her wherever I can.

I glance at my watch again. Why do I feel like I am forgetting something?

I sigh and rub my face in my hands. I think it's just the vibe in general lately, feeling like I need to be everywhere all at once.

I pick up my cappuccino, slide a lid onto the cup, and walk back towards my office. My next surgery starts in forty-five minutes, and I want to have a quick bite to eat.

When I get to my office there is a brown paper bag on my desk. Curious I sit in my office chair and open the packet.

It's my favorite chicken and avocado salad from the bistro down the road and a note from Emma.

Thank you for everything you do for me. I love you. XXX

I smile, so grateful for these little things. As much as I am doing my best to help Emma, she has been doing so much to help me. There is so much going on at the moment that I find I am forgetting little things, which is not good. I think it must just be the stress of adjusting to everything.

I eat my lunch and finish my cappuccino then glance at my watch. Shit, I am late. How did the time go so quickly? I jump up. I still need to run all the health checks on the patient before we go into surgery and now, I am fifteen minutes behind. I walk briskly toward the operating and prep rooms.

Emma is already there. She smiles sweetly when I walk in. Her belly is showing through her nurse's uniform.

"Sorry. I got held up. Let's get going."

"Don't worry." She is still smiling "I've done it. Here is the chart. She was quite nervous, so we gave her something just to relax her in the meantime; everything is looking good."

She hands me the clipboard and I shake my head, smiling and grateful that she covered for me and got everything ready before I arrived. I go through everything and nod. "Ok then, we are ready."