"So, let's go for a drive?" he says eagerly.

"I am hungry. Maybe we can stop somewhere a little outside of the city and get something to eat?"

"Yes. Let's do that. Change into something comfortable. We can keep it low-key, relaxed."

I am relieved to hear that because I do not feel like spending an hour getting ready.

I have a quick shower and slip into my jeans which I can barely button up. My T-shirts also seem to be a bit too small as they creep up over my belly.

"Nothing fits," I say, flustered.

Lennox laughs at my expression. "When we get home later, we can go onto that online maternity shop, and you can choose some new clothes. The pants with the soft elastic in the front will be so much more comfortable for you.

"Oh, my word. This is getting more and more real."

He wraps his arm around me and holds me against him. "Good real or - "

He looks into my eyes. "Good real." I smile. "I am excited. Terrified, but excited."

"Me too." He says, leaning down to kiss me. A tender smile on his lips.

I drive us out to the edge of the city, overlooking the waterfront and we sit at a quiet restaurant watching the boats. I suddenly realize that this is the first time Lennox and I have been out together - in public - at a restaurant. It feels so lovely to be here with him. I sit on the big sofa seat next to him at our table. His arm is around me and my head is resting on his shoulder. We aren't talking, just sitting quietly together and I feel so relaxed.

The waiter brings our food and smiles at us.

"Enjoy. Is there anything else I can get you?"

"Not for the moment, thank you," Lennox replies.

When the waiter is gone and we are enjoying our food Lennox asks me, "Em, is everything ok with our baby?"

I nod. "Yes, everything is ok. It was stress, they think. I am supposed to be resting."

Lennox looks down and moves his food around with his fork. "It was my fault." He says with guilt.

I reach out, placing my hand on his thigh, and squeeze reassuringly.

"It was no one's fault. It was just a difficult situation. Everything is going to be ok now. I just needed… you."

He puts his fork down and wraps his fingers in mine. "I am honestly so sorry, Em. I was such an idiot. I promise you I am not going anywhere. I am going to be there through everything now. I am going to take care of you every step of the way. There is nothing for you to stress about anymore ok. From the smallest things to the big things, I am going to be there."

I kiss him. I can't resist him. He is everything to me.

After dinner, I feel too full, and my jeans feel too tight. I laugh at how swollen my belly is and unbutton the top button.

Lennox laughs at me trying to make sure my pants don't fall down while we are walking back to the car. "You should have worn your joggers." He says grinning. I walk towards the driver's side.

"Oh no. I will be driving."

He takes the keys from my hand. "But it's my - "

"Yes, yes. But you need to rest. Relax and enjoy the scenery."

I shake my head, but I can't hide the smile.

When we get home, he says "Right - let me make us some tea and then we can browse the site and choose you a few new items of clothes. I think it will be easier to go and try them on in the mall, but let's get you some essentials just until you have time to go shopping?"

I agree. "That's a good idea. I clearly can't be wearing my jeans anymore."