You can cut the tension in the air with a knife. She sat at the kitchen counter watching me get the mugs down and boil the kettle. It's funny how I have so much to say in my head, but I have no idea how to even start saying it.

I turn to face her while the kettle boils, leaning against the counter. She looks so beautiful sitting there quietly and I find myself wondering what she is thinking.

I cross my arms across my chest and sigh. "I guess we need to talk, Emma," I say, finally breaking the awkward silence.

"We do… "

Suddenly there is a loud banging. It thunders through my apartment.

"That - that's not my door. I think someone is banging on your door?" I say.

She stares at me in disbelief. "I don't think so - "

I go to my door and open it, looking out in the hallway. Emma peeks around me from behind and we both stare in shock. My best friend, Toby, Emma's dad - is banging and shouting, his fists heavy against Emma's door. "Emma. Open up right now."

"Daddy?" she says in horror. "What's wrong?"

He turns toward us, his face red with anger. "What is wrong? Did you just ask me what is wrong?"

He shoves past me into my apartment.

"You." He points his finger in my face. "You." He says again, fighting for control.

"Dad," Emma says desperately. "What is it?"

"You're pregnant, Emma? You are pregnant?" He bellows at the top of his voice.

"Toby - "I move towards him. "Just take a breath, man."

"Don't you dare talk to me you sick son of a bitch. My daughter. You got my daughter pregnant."

I turn to Emma confused and annoyed. "You did not tell me you told him. You could have warned me." I say angrily.

"I didn't tell him." She says in horror. "I haven't told anyone."

"No - you did not tell me, Emma. But you forgot to update your details in the hospital's system; your name is still registered under my medical aid. Your blood test results were emailed to me this afternoon. I saw them when I got home -- a blood test requested by Dr. Blake. It does not take a genius to put two and two together."

The veins in his neck are standing out and I start to worry that he is about to have a stroke. "Toby, please, just take a breath." Emma steps towards him.

He pushes her aside and storms towards me.

To my surprise, he throws a punch, and his fists connects with my jaw. It is not a hard punch though and I am more in shock than injured. "What the fuck, Toby?" I shout. "No - what the fuck, Lennox." Emma's dad shouts back at me and tries to throw another punch, but this time I am ready for it, and I step out of the way leaving Toby stumbling forward.

"Please, stop," Emma shouts over both of us, but we ignore her. I can see she is panicking though and with no choice left, obviously worried about her dad, it is horrible to see him so upset like this - she steps in between us. She holds her hands up as Toby comes towards me for a third time. "Stop." She shouts again and Toby hesitates. "I am going to kill you. You got my baby girl pregnant." He snarls at me, then looks at Emma, sadly, and turns to walk out of the apartment.

I see her expression, the heartbreak spread across her face, the pain in her eyes breaking me. I just stand there, silent and in disbelief.

"That - did not go well." I sigh, rubbing my jaw.

"No - no that did not go well at all."

She hesitates a moment then says, "I have to go after him."

I stopped her because this was not a good idea. "He is too angry right now, Em. Let him cool down then we can try and talk to him tomorrow. Nothing good will come from talking to him now."

She nods, knowing I am right but obviously feeling worried and guilty about everything.

"Let's have that tea and then try and get some sleep?" I say gently, seeing her stressing and wanting to ease it. "You need to rest; all of this strain on your body is not going to be good for you or the baby."