Breathing heavily, I let her feet drop to the ground as my cock slides out of her. She untangles her leg from the torn pants she was wearing, and I see her eyes are wide with shock.

I step back a little. My hand was still against the locker above her head. She stands staring up at me with those big brown eyes. damp with tears.

"I don't want to lose you, Lennox." She whispers the words so softly I can hardly hear them.

"It's too late for that, Emma," I say with regret in my voice. It is too late for that. I repeat in my thoughts to make sure I understand.

"Please - Lennox." She is crying again.

"I can't do this, Emma."

Defiance fills her eyes, and she says "I will tell everyone you have amnesia. Do you want them to know?"

"Why the fuck would you do that?" I growl.

"I don't want to lose you." She says angrily.

"You think betraying me again is a good way to keep me? Do you honestly believe that threatening me and threatening my career is a good way to keep me?" I am furious again. This woman has no idea what she is doing to me. Hurt and anger rush through me as I try to navigate the situation in my thoughts.

I slam my fist into the locker above her head.

"I can't do this," I say again and walk away from her, feeling like I am ripping my heart out as I turn my back on her. I have to do this. I have no other choice.

"Lennox." She says softly behind me. I don't want to turn and look at her. "What?"

"Lennox, I can't just let you go like this. There is too much between us."

My heart pulls me, wanting me to turn around and wrap her in my arms. All I want is for none of this to be what it is. I can feel it - I can feel my heart yearning for Emma. But this cannot be. Without saying another word to her I get my things together and leave the locker room. I need to get out of here. I need to get away from her.



Isit on the edge of my bathtub in my pale blue tracksuit, my hair tied up in a bun. I feel sick with nerves, wrecked to my core.

I am staring at the little white stick in my hand, waiting for the results to show. One line will be negative, and two lines will be positive. I close my eyes, trying to keep my breathing even.

How is everything going so wrong all at once?

Impatience gets the better of me and I shake the pregnancy test, trying to speed up the process.

Why can't I just let Lennox go? It will be better if he is not part of my life. It would be better for him too - if I was not in his life. My heart is clinging so desperately to him, and I know it is not good for either of us.

Why would I put myself in this stupid situation and risk everything? My family is disappointed as it is and now, I am stressing about a pregnancy as well. I am only two weeks late though and with all the stress I have been going through it is entirely possible that it is nothing to worry about. Just a stress reaction. That is all.

I stare hard at the lines as they begin to show.

My heart sinks right to my stomach and nausea threatens me again.


I am pregnant.

No. This cannot be right. I refuse to accept this. I take another pregnancy test out of the kit and grab a bottle of water, popping off the lid and practically downing the whole thing in one go. They say these things can be wrong and this one is definitely wrong.

Thirsty minutes later I am staring at two positive pregnancy tests.

Shit. This is so bad. My emotions are out of control, and I do not know what to do. I start pacing up and down my apartment.