"Mom, it's not like that. I have been looking after him. There was an accident and he needed home care, and the hospital assigned me to his case."

"Please, honey, just tell me the truth."

I sigh, my heart aching. "We've been seeing each other. But Mom, the hospital can't know. It will cause so many issues for both of us."

"Everyone knows." She shouts into the phone. "Everyone knows, Emma. How could you be this stupid? He is old enough to be your father. Why are you risking everything you've worked so hard for?"

I can hear her crying. Her voice is strained and shaky.

"Mom, please - I - "I honestly do not know what to say.

The truth is out now; my family knows.

"End it, Emma. The risk is too big. He is too old for you. Just end it, Emma, before you lose your job."

"I know, Mom. I have to go. I will talk to you later."

I can't bear to be on the phone with her anymore. My heart is breaking listening to her.

I fight tears, not wanting to cry at work, not wanting them to see my eyes red with tears and start even more rumors; rumors that are not actually rumors. I sigh, realizing that I am the one who got myself into this mess, no one else. I made this choice and now I have to deal with the opinions and judgment of everyone around me.

I know that Lennox is facing the same judgment in his social circle, amongst his colleagues.

After work, I can't wait to leave the hospital. I rush home, desperate to be in a safe space where I am not being judged.

Lennox arrived home before me, and he was already making dinner when I walked in. "You look exhausted." He says, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a warm hug. "Work is… challenging lately."

He sighs. He knows exactly what I am talking about.

"They will get bored with the rumors soon, Em."

I shake my head. "What if they don't? What if the hospital board finds out and we both lose our jobs? This is such a huge risk." I am frustrated and worried.

"Look, we can talk about this another time. I know it is a serious thing, but tonight I just need to breathe and not think about stressful things. I need a break. My head is swimming with all the drama."

"I understand." I raise myself onto my tip toes and kiss his lips.

"So, I have invited my son for dinner. He should be here in the next hour. If you want to hop in the shower and change into something comfortable - you have some time." He is smiling, excited about having his son over. I know it has been ages since he saw his son as he was worried about Danny finding out about the amnesia.

"Danny? Oh, that's great." I say, a little nervous to meet him.

Lennox made a basil chicken pasta, and we are all sitting around the dining room table. Danny has been quiet for most of the evening, and I am struggling to make conversation with him. Lennox just seems to be relaxed and enjoying having his son around.

"So, Danny, how is school?" I say, trying to start another conversation with him.

He glares at me. "Actually, Emma, I would prefer it if you stopped trying to talk to me. Can't you tell I'm not interested in being friends with you?"

Lennox looks horrified. "Danny? Don't you dare speak to her like that." He says sternly. "Why, Dad? Because you are having sex with her? Everyone knows she is not just your nurse. Everyone is talking about it. Mom and her friends were talking about it the other night." Danny throws his fork into the table and stands to leave. "Sit right back down. First, if you have a problem with me and my choices you can talk to me like an adult - not be rude to my guests." He is angry. "Second, I expect you to apologize for the way you have spoken to Emma. She does not deserve that at all."

Danny laughs, pointing at me. "Dad, I don't care what she deserves, and I don't care about your choices. You are dating your best friend's daughter. She is young enough to be your daughter."

There is a moment of tense silence and I choke trying to swallow the food in my mouth. Oh no. Not now.

"My best friend?" Lennox asks quietly.

"Are you so stupid you don't remember her, Dad?" Danny is angry.

Lennox ignores the insult. "Toby is your dad?" He looks at me. "Emma - "