I shift on the couch, my body aching. The bruises on my ribs and legs are still dark blue. I still have stitches across my thigh where glass from the window tore my skin open. "Can I get you something?" She is right by my side. "Don't move so much or you will tear the stitches open."

"If they tear open you can just redo them. I am so tired of sitting here all day."

She laughs. "It hasn't been that long, Lennox. Your body needs to rest. The more you rest the faster you will heal."

"My memory does not need rest. I need to jog it back to life."

"Well, that is not a bad idea. Why don't we chat a little about what you do remember, the most recent stuff in your memory. Maybe we can build a pathway of sorts from where your memory ends to the present day?"

Smart girl. She might be onto something.

I take a deep breath, picturing the hospital I apparently do not work at anymore. I live in my other house; it was before I leased this apartment. My son and I stay together at the house. In the mornings, I drop him off at school before I head to work. I began to remember the faces of the people I worked with.

"Jane," I say out loud.

"Ok. What are you remembering? Who is Jane?" She asks.

The name brings anger to my body. Yes, I remember Jane. "She is the reason I no longer work at the other hospital," I say in surprise as some memories come back to me.

Emma sits patiently and when I don't say anymore, she asks "Do you remember what happened with Jane? Why is she the reason you left? I think talking about it will jog other things in your memory."

Reluctantly I begin to tell her the story of what happened between Jane and me.

"Jane was one of my surgical nurses. Jane and I were friends, but nothing more. We used to flirt playfully. But nothing ever happened between us. I was married. I had not even been married that long, just over a year. And I was in love. Well, I thought I was in love. Who knows what love is really?" I look at her. Her expression changes ever so slightly. "I know - most people are surprised to hear I got married. Anyways, no surprise though to hear that it did not last long. Jane started to try and push for something more and I noticed that it was not fun or innocent flirting anymore. She tried to make a move on me a few times at work when we were on shift together, and I turned her down gently a few times explaining that I was not looking to hurt my wife. Jane got angry at the rejection and started to push harder. Obviously, the other nurses noticed something was off between us, and rumors started spreading. One day I was called into a meeting with HR. Jane had opened a case against me for sexual harassment at the workplace. HR interviewed the other nurses on my team and with all the rumors flying around I guess there was enough suspicion for them to take the claim seriously. I was not fired so much as being forced to resign. They let me walk away with my dignity so that I could still find work somewhere else. But my wife - I lost her. She left me. She believed the harassment claim because she had friends at the hospital too and they fed her a bunch of bullshit - "I trail off, lost in thought. But how do I not recall applying for a new job at this other hospital?

Emma is watching me closely. Her caramel-brown eyes are warm with concern.

"Emma? Do you know where my son is staying while I am recovering? Do you know when he will be home? I would really love to have him around me."

She shakes her head. "He is staying with his mom. He doesn't live with you anymore. He is living with his mom now; you see him on weekends apparently. Sorry, I don't know more so I can't really say what happened there or why - well at least you remembered some big things. Hopefully, that will help you remember more over time. I know you don't know it - but you have a very strict no dating at work policy, and I guess this explains it right?" She smiles at me. It stirs something in me. She is so gorgeous.

"Well, I didn't even date Jane, and look at how it almost ruined my entire career. No woman is worth that risk. I worked so hard to get to where I am. Imagine how stupid I would be to let all of that end over a girl." I shake my head. Emma laughs a little. "To be honest, Lennox, I don't think you fully learned your lesson." She smiles and then looks a little shocked. I get the feeling that she had not meant to say that out loud. She quickly changes the subject. "So, what do you want for dinner? I am starving." She stands up and fusses over the pillow behind my back then marches out of the room towards the kitchen. "I will see what I can whip up for us."

I am almost too nervous to ask her what she means. Surely, I have not been so stupid as to make a mistake that will risk my career. She must be mistaken. Probably more ridiculous rumors that she has overheard.

Over the next week, I start to feel stronger, and I can move around the house more. Emma removed the stitches for me after examining the wound and noting that it was healing well. Luckily it was not deeper. The bruises are beginning to fade too and physically I am feeling more and more like myself.

I find myself staring at Emma quite often. I can't quite remember how long she has been staying with me, looking after me, but I feel like I know her so well. I feel a deep connection with her that can't just have grown over a week or two, however long it has been since the accident.

I feel so close to her, safe around her. She is so gentle, soft-hearted, and beautiful.

She has this elegant way about her that I have never seen before.

She is a brilliant and attentive nurse. No wonder I would have chosen her to be on my staff. I wish I could remember working with her.

After a dinner of take-out and ice cream, late one evening, we are sitting on my sofa watching cartoons and enjoying the rain against the glass sliding doors of my balcony. I can't help myself. I reach out and place my hand on Emma's thigh. Squeezing gently.

"Thank you, Em, for being here. You have been amazing." I smile.

Her soft skin under my fingers feels familiar and sends electricity through my body. She turns to look at me and her eyes swim with warmth and need. She feels it too. I can see it in her expression.

Her lips part and she sighs softly. I reach over and touch her cheek, running my hand slowly over her jawline, down her throat to her collarbone. She moves her chin slightly, exposing her neck. She definitely wants this as much as I do.

With my hand behind her neck, I pull her towards me. My lips press into hers and a comfortingly familiar taste is on my lips. I pull her onto my lap, her legs spread wide against me, pressing my rigid cock against her body.

"Who are you, Emma?" I whisper in her ear.

She leans forward and kisses me again.