Hutch lifts his head away from mine, a sexy I-know-what-you-want smile on his lips. He cups his hands around my face, his touch soft as butterfly wings. I blink trying to get my senses together, but it’s hard with Hutch being his sexier than hell self. I point around him, my heart beats a drum beat that gets faster and faster. “It looks like the baggage is finally here.”
He lowers his head back down close to mine, hovering, the tip of his tongue reaches out to lick his upper lip. A smile slowly stretches out across his face, “come on. Let’s get to it. I had already ordered a room for us at the hotel.”
I gaze up at him, not understanding what he’s talking about, “I thought we were staying at your ranch.”
He twists his head around to glare at me. One of his eyelids twitch. A snarl pulls down the lips that had just been smiling a moment ago. He’s never looked at me this way. “It’s not my ranch. It’s theirs.”
“All right baby. I’m sorry.” I grab his forearm, holding it close to my stomach.
Hutch shakes his head as if trying to dodge the negative emotions he’s dealing with. “No. No.” He bends down to press his cheek to mine. “It’s my fault. This place. The ranch. Always brings out bad feelings in me.”
“So why are you here then? I don’t understand why you came back.” I need answers. I came back here to help him.
He moves his head away and turns his back on me. As if he can’t stand looking at me. “Guilt.”
“Guilt? Why are you guilty? For what?” I’m so confused. His emotions are jumping all over the place and baffling me. I knock my fist against his chest for three beats.
“I left. They both have kept calling in the time I’ve been gone. Wanting me back here. Needing me. But they want me to be like them. I can’t. I’m not like them. Prejudiced. Narcissistic. I can’t be that way, so I ignored their calls. But I feel guilty for it.” He swivels away from me. His hand slaps against the back of his neck and rubs.
I run my hand up my forehead fluffing the bangs away with the heel. I need a minute to think. Somehow I have to help him. How? What do I say?
“We can go back. We don’t need to be here. Let’s see when the next plane leaves for LAX.”
He takes his bottom lip between his teeth. Biting down so hard he’s leaving imprints. I glance down at his hand beside me. It’s in a fist so tight I’m surprised he’s not bleeding. I lay my hand on top of his and squeeze.
Hutch gazes down at our hands. “Let’s go to the hotel. Relax. Have a meal. Sleep on it.”
He unfurls his fingers and turns his hand over and takes mine in his. He gives me a tug and releases that grin that says how much he loves me. His tug continues and I’m in his arms, crushing me close to his chest. He burrows his face in my neck, swaying us back and forth as if to music only he can hear.
I run my hands up and down his strong back, hugging him to me as tight as I can. Reaching up as far as I can, I pepper his chest with kisses, not caring that we are in a room full of people. I nip against that little bit of skin available. The love I feel, crushes inside my chest, crushing my heart in a fist full of feelings that swamp my head to flood down to meet in my throat. I crunch his shirt in my fingers, not wanting to let him go for even an instant. I never want this moment to end.
“Get a room.” A young voice calls out. Giggles makes the tone waver, but the intent is obvious.
The back I’m holding onto moves up and down in the laughter he’s trying to hold in. I agree. This is funnier than shit. A kiss to the side of my head and he releases me. “Come on. Let’s go to the hotel and we can continue this there.”
Fine with me.
Iwake up the next morning in each other’s arms. My favorite place to be. Kat is spread out over me. Like a blanket. A hot, all-encompassing blanket. One consolation, she has my dick in her hand. Now if she’d only wake up and move that hand.
I’m ready for some morning dicking for my morning wood. I carefully move from underneath her, being extra careful about my dick in her hand. She releases me, and we trade places with me on top. I’m lucky that Kat is such a sound sleeper a bomb could go off beside her and she wouldn’t wake.
I rub my hands up and down her back, her round ass my next go-to spot after her boobs and pussy. I continue to smooth my hands around both globes. When I reach her crease I delve a finger inside, hiking one of her legs higher for easier penetration. I play my fingers between her slick folds, taking my time to lap up her sweet honey. Just the flavor I like. Spicy and sweet. I relish the taste, licking my lips.
I push my fingers into her slit, her clit, a tasty nub I can’t wait to taste and savor. I run two fingers in circles over the plump bud, watching for her reactions. She grinds herself onto my fingers. Her eyes still closed. Her breath hitches to a faster rate.
Moving my other hand between us I start kneading one breast while kissing her jaw down to her neck. I know she’s awake when her hand moves up and down my dick. I grunt, when she gives me a good tug, her palm slides down to the tip, smoothing the moisture around.
Her eyes are open oceans of blue, twinkling at me with impish stars. Kat rises to her knees, leans forward, her eyes steady on mine. She grips my dick in one hand, lowers her head to take my cock into her mouth. I groan, pressing the back of my head into the pillow. What she’s doing to me is pure heaven. The wet depths of her mouth is one of the two best places to be. Well, maybe three.
Her tongue licks around my cock head, into the slit, humming as she licks at the beads of precum. I grip handfuls of her fire-red hair, letting her take control. For now.
She slides up and down going further and further, buries my cock deeper in her throat until I hit the back. Not going to last long. She knows what I like. Every time she moves up she grips my base with a tight hold. Kat goes down and holds my balls in her hand massaging them.
“Fuck Kat. Don’t stop. You’re doing so good.”